Chapter 3

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Edward POV

We had just arrived in Italy, and I welcomed the hot sun and warm breeze as my family got off our private jet. We always used it when we traveled, making it easier for us to hide our true selves.

"YAY!" yelled Emmett with his arms in the air as he ran towards the car the Volturi had sent for us, a cherry red Ferrari.

"Oh, grow up, Emmettt." responded Rosalie as she got into the driver's seat.

"STOP RUINING MY DREAMS, YOU TURD!" We all heard Emmett say as Rosalie drove off towards the Volturi palace, Alice and Jasper with them. I got into the back of the other car as Carlisle and Esme took the front seats.

"I swear, that boy has problems." said Esme quietly as Carlisle sped off after the others. We chuckled quietly at her words. It was true. Emmett was a five year old boy stuck inside of a man's body. His immaturity level astonished me sometimes. With all the pranks, name calling, and sexual innuendos, you would think he was a teenager.

The rest of the car ride was enjoyed taking in the scenery of Italy. It truly was a magnificent place and I loved it here. My experience, however, turned sour every time I ran into the Volturi. They ruin the whole atmosphere for me. Quite depressing, really.

We arrived at the castle in no time, thanks to our somewhat fast driving. All vampires loved to drive fast, consdiering that we run even faster.

We stepped out of the cars as the humans got our luggage. That was the one thing that made me hate the Volturi the most. They kept poor, innocent humans as their slaves. I mean, sure there are some men who I suppose do deserve such a punishment for the wrong acts they've committed in the past, but the woman and children have done nothing wrong. Even is they have, it was still wrong to treat women and children as so.

Carlisle, Esme and I walked over to the rest of the family. For once, Emmett wasn't causing trouble. He stood there, almost in a sulking manner, and looked up at the magnificent palace. It was around six stpries tall, made of the finest white marble. A fifteen foot wall was built around the palace grounds, helping to keep out unwanted visitors. It also helped that the Volturi had decided to build the palace in the middle of no where, away from society.

"I don't want to go in," said Emmett quietly as Rose took a hold of his hand. "It's scary in there."

"It'll be fine, Emmett," said Rosalie as she gave his hand a slight squeeze. By the tone of her voice, it seemed like she didn't want to go in there either. 

We walked up to the grand double doors and stood in front of the guards. They nodded toward us and opened the doors with a dramatic swing. The inside of the palace was even more marvelous. Luxurious furniture was placed around, all from around the 17th to 18th centuries.

"Ah, the Cullens," asid a familiar voice that sent shivers up my spine. We turned to see Jane walking towards us from a long hallway. She wore her usual attire; black dress and black shoes. Typical Jane.

"Hello, Jane," greeted Carlisle with a forced smile. No one really liked Jane due to the fact she loved to use her special ability whenever the chance came. And sometimes, for unneccessary purposes.

"Aro is quite thrilled to be having you here for the summer," she said with a boring face, "This way." She turned and walked at a normal pace, leading us to the throne room. We followed in silence, admiring the general splendor of the castle.

Jane lead us to the throne room entrance, the bronze double doors opening with a swift swing. We walked into the room to find only Aro seated at his chair.

"Ah, Welcome friends! How wonderful it is to see you!" He says with his hysterical laugh. I internally cringed at his shrill voice.

"Hello, Aro," said Carlisle as they shook hands. I noticed the hesitation in Carlisle's eyes. But nonetheless, he still shook his hand..

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