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After school Atsumu walked with Sakusa to coffee shop. Ayano will come with her friend Kou. She has black short hair and brown eyes. She's shorter than Ayano. Atsumu and Sakusa were currently waiting for them.

"Atsumu!" They finally arrived.

"Hi." They stood up. Kou and Sakusa just nodded each other. They all sat except Kou. She sprayed the seat and the table. Then she sat down. Sakusa watched her and kind of impressed.


They were chitchatting and drinking their orders. Mostly Ayano was telling how was her day to Atsumu. Sakusa and Kou looked like getting along well.

"Right?! It's the most annoying part."

"Yeah! I sometimes feel sad when I can't socialize with my friends. Even cried one time."

"I'm ashamed to say but I did that once." Sakusa admitted.

Atsumu's gaze went over them. They were laughing time to time. He never seen Sakusa laugh that much before. He felt sad and jealous at the moment. Totally forgot Ayano.

"Are you listening?"

"Hm? Yeah sure."

She sighed and laid her back on the seat as taking a sip from her drink. Atsumu turned his gaze over Sakusa again. He looks so nice when he laughs. Why I didn't see him laughing like this before? Why he's laughing though is she that funny?

"Omi you liked that drink?" Atsumu asked.


"Your coffee?"

"Yeah why?"

"Just asking."

"Omi? That's a cute nickname can I use?"

"NO!" Atsumu kind of yelled. All eyes were on him now. He didn't know what to say.

"I mean. I found that so I don't want anybody to use it."

"I see." Kou said chugging on her drink.

"You good?" Sakusa whispered.

"Mhm why?"

"You don't look like you are."

"I'm fine."


He turned and continued his conversation with Kou. Ayano was watching him, squinting her eyes.

"Hey Omi can I taste it?"

"Uh... Sure." He extended his coffee to him and he gladly took a sip while eyes were on him again.

"Mmm this is also good. Wanna taste mine?"

"Atsumu you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah why? Here taste it." He pushed his glass to him. Sakusa took a sip while looking at him. "Good right?"


"I'm going." Ayano got up and left there.

"Ayano wait!" He followed her.

"What do you want?"

"Why are you going?"

"Why? You're asking? It's look like you're dating with your Omi not me. We should end this here. Right now."

"No I'm sorry. I wasn't aware please I won't do that again. Let's go inside."

"I don't wanna see you flirting with him."

"I'm not flirting with him!"

"Yes you are."

"I'm sorry. I promise I won't do it again." He caressed her cheek. "Hm?"

"I hate that I love you."

"That means yes?"

She nodded and they went inside. Again. Atsumu tried to ignore Sakusa and Kou and really tried to give all his attention to his girlfriend.

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