[1] How it started

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Shay's POV
I just got off the phone with my manager. He told me I have been invited to the set of the new show "Pretty Little Liars". I will be on the first flight tomorrow morning at 7am. Right now I'm in Canada, I'm on my way home from work to tell my parents the news.
*5 minutes later *
I just drove up in my drive way. I jumped out of my car very quickly since I was very excited to tell my parents since I already talked to Ashley about it.
"I'm home" I yelled loud enough for my parents to hear.
"In the kitchen sweetie" my mom yelled back.
"Hey mom where's dad at"
"He's upstairs"
"Ok well can you come into the living room I have news" I explained. "DAD! Can you come to the living room" I yelled upstairs to my dad.
" Yeah one second" my dad replied while coming.
"Ok thank you"
My dad came running down the stairs almost tripping on a step or two.
"Mom, Dad.... I get to go to LA. I'm doing a table read with the other Actresses for Pretty Little Liars". I explained while looking at my parents. My mom looked surprised, while my dad was already hugging me and giving me his congrats. It took a second but my mom joined in the hugging as well.
"We're so proud of you sweetie when do you leave?". My mom asked while letting go of me.
"Tomorrow morning at 7am I need to get on my flight" I answered
"Wow that's pretty soon"
"They need us to start practicing our lines"
"Well go start packing while I finish dinner I'll call you when it's ready ok?"
"Ok!" I yelled running upstairs passing my dad on the way to my room. I almost tripped but I caught myself.
*25 minutes later*
I just finished packing most of my stuff. I was now heading down stairs because dinner was done. As soon as my feet hit the last step in the stairs I could smell the amazing food around the corner. Walking to the table in the kitchen the smell got stronger. There it was sitting there on the table, A bowl of mashed potatoes, Macaroni an Cheese with the good cheese, and last but not least three juicy steak cooked just right.
*after dinner*
Agh I can't wait to meet the others that are playing the other girls on the show. I already knew j was playing Emily Fields, the director Marlene told me later on in the show I would come out as gay but for now I had to keep it a secret. Also I would have to kiss other girls. I was perfectly okay with that since I was gay in the real world to. But only my parents and Ashley knew. (I'm speaking to myself). Ashley also was on the cast she's playing Hanna Martin. Finally after thinking/talking to myself for the past hour and a half I decided to go to bed. It was already 10:30pm and I felt really sleepy.
*at the airport* (sort going to be short)
I just got out of the car. My parents drove me to the airport so they could have a little more time time to talk to me before I leave. One hour before my flight but I still need to go through security and stuff. I turned to my parents and said my goodbyes and off I went.
LA here I come....

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