Chapter 4: Out with the old and in with the new

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Shay's POV

Me and Sasha were having a great makeout session till Ashley had to walk in. Im gonna kill her for that later. It was a amazing makeout session Sasha is a amazing kisser. I fell in love with Sasha the first moment I saw her walk into the room this morning but I can't wait to make her mine but I will wait for Sasha I hope that won't be long. Sasha and I walked out of the bathroom laughing. As soon as we were near the others they got curious but didn't say anything about it. So we all went and got popcorn form the man behind the counter as we were going to leave the man winked at me and I instantly turned to Sasha i could see she got kinda upset but didn't say anything because we weren't dating so she ignored it and we went to our seats. After about ten minutes in the movie I wasn't even paying attention I was to busy thinking about Sasha and her perfect lips. She must have been thinking about me because I glanced at her so I could see her perfect curls. But when I looked completely her way I met her eyes. Her perfect blue eyes I feel like im staring into the sky when I look in her eyes.

Sasha's POV

Shay and I locked eyes and stayed like that for what it felt like forever. Finally after staring at her she turned back to the movie with a smirk on her face. When she tuned back I started acting like it upset me so I started to pout. I crossed my arms and suck down in my seat. Shay realized I was upset so she leaned down kissed my cheek which made me smirk, she also grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers followed by a quick squeezed. We stayed like that for the rest of the movie.

*Back at home*

I'm still sitting in my driveway scared to go inside and face Huson but I know I have to soon. Before I get out of my car I sent a text to Ashley.

"Hey Ash can you come over I might need back up just in case" I sent and waited for a responce whick only took like atleast a minute.

"Yeah sure I'm on my way go ahead and go in and I'll walk in the house when I get there." Ashley replied

"Ok thank you"

"No problem

Finally I get out of the car and go inside ready to face Hudson. But when I walked in it was completely silent so I guessed he went out to run erronds. I walked to the kitchen and saw a letter sitting on the table it read "Hey sweetie im out and about I'll be home soon" as soon as I finished reading it I ran as fast as I could upstairs to go get started packing. I had already put half of my stuff in the suit case when the front door opened and all I could think is god I hope that is Ashley.

"Sasha you here?" I hear Ashley yell thank god its her

"Yes im upstairs packing. Stay down there I'm almost done stay in the living room so if Hudson comes in you can stop him form coming up here." yelled from my room loud enough for Ashley to hear.

"OK hurry up" is all I hear while I zip up my suit case and take off running down the stairs.

"Ok ready" I said coming face to face with Ashley. She just nods and start to walk to the door I took the key to the house off my key ring and put it on the table near the door. We were just getting in my car since Troian brought Ash here I was taking her home but as soon as we put my stuff in the trunk a car pulls into the drive way. Just my luck Hudson is the one in the car so now it will take longer to leave.

"Hey Sasha where are you going.... With all your stuff?" Hudson asked closing the door to his car starting to come near me but Ash stepped in his way.

"Hudson I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you and what I say right here will be our last words you key is inside" I replied opening my car door.

"Wait what did I do I thought everything was going smooth and I dont know what I did wrong." Hudson asked trying to move past Ashly but she just stepped in his way again. Thank goodness I told Ash to come or he would be all up in my face.

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