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Middle school y/n had a personality which was a combination of the black-haired and blonde-haired girls from a silent voice although she only acts like this towards people outside her friend group.

"Midoriya's kinda cute." You stated as you and your friends sat in the caferteria, you on your phone scrolling through Instagram while your friends ate the shitty school lunch.

"Midoriya? Do you mean Deku?" Shoko asked, her pink hair draped over her shoulder.

"Yeh him he has pretty eyes." You spoke, liking people's photos.

"You always go for the weirdos y/n like that guy Okumara, you know Bakugou's old friend." She continued, you were listening to bits of her conversation.

"Yeh, its true he is a weirdo, he tried to grope me more than once during our 'date' " you used quotation marks with your fingers giving the boy a disgusted look when he was laughing with his friends.

"I heard Bakugou has beef with him cause of it." Your other friend Minori say, slurping up her noodles within seconds.

"He's so weird I don't know the guy yet he acts obsessed with me." You complained, snapping back some people in snapchat.

You loved it the way people would seek your validation and would try to get your opinion on things even if you were bitter towards them.

You were trying to become nicer but it was difficult when you're around people who are almost equally bitter.

The fact that you all together make a group that people want to be part of, even if they deny it themselves. No one notices when you lot have beef unless you completely exclude yourself and people are to scared of being judged by you to say weird shit.

Unfortunately within the group everyone may act like they like each other but they hate each other with a burning passion, they only stay friends for the popularity, and as everyone knows the person who can still be popular without all these friends is the leader of the group, that being you.

You were intrested in the green eyed boy, where did the nickname Deku come from? Was he really bullied just for being quirkless? Would people leave me if I spoke to him now?

You couldn't speak to him everyone would think your a weirdo and you would go down in the hierarchy system, you would get bullied and become a loner, completely friendless.

The conversation had turned away from your date, everyone focusing on their own lives and problems.

You looked over at Midoriya seeing a notebook using your quirk you saw what it was about a hero analysis book, how cute and weirdly admirable.

You watched his movements scanning over his facial features, you had avoided him for so long so you wouldn't have to deal with the toxic Bakugou the one who seemed to come up in most relationship things that involved you.

You just wanted to get to know Midoriya and see if they had a real reason for treating him the way they did.

You wanted to make sure he was fine all the time and that he had your company and your company alone. The thought of any girl speaking to him made your blood boil and remembering when one of your friends asked him on a date and stood him up made you mad.

You wanted to get close to him, mabye start by making friends then becoming more.


Do I have a crush on Deku?

You scrunched up your face in disgust, thats when he decided to look up at you noticing your judgmental gaze and quickly lowering his head.

He was thinking to himself what he did wrong, what rumour was gonna spread about him now that you've noticed his existence, why now, how did you even know he was a person, didnt you not care about anyone who weren't close to you.

He couldn't understand how people found your personality likeable. He even tried to find a reason why Bakugou was so find of you.

Yes Midoriya figured out Bakugou had a crush on you it wasnt hard to figure out when what he did when he wasn't doing hero related stuff was thinking about you.

He honestly preferred your sister, she was rather timid and didnt talk to many people but the people she did speak to were kind hearted and very loyal the opposite of you.

Your sister was going through a tough time, the begining of puberty, your parents' arguing continously and the feeling of being guilty for the way they act on her mind she would sometimes harm herself for relief in the subject crying to herself whenever you had a panic attack due to stress. She was glad her body didn't react to situations she didn't like in that way.

She was happy she didn't have anything wrong with herself that her parents would notice straight away and start insulting her on it she wouldn't be able to handle that much pressure.

She was only 12 after all.

You did your best you were already thinking of ways to approach the situation, you hid all her sharpeners and compasses, you knew she was to lazy to use anything else.

You were prepared to help her even steal money from your parents to get her therapy but you just wanted to help your sister.


You were at a park by school, a lot of people would come her after school, it being a Friday you stayed back after school, your sister was also there but she was with her friends in some other part of the park.

The thing with this park was that barely any children came and when they did they would stay for 3 minutes tops scared of the tweens and teens.

You sat a bench a cigarette bettween your lips, dragging a long puff of the cancer stick as to feel that calm sense watch over your head, the smell of smoke being nice for you despite the judgemental looks adults would give you as they walked their dogs through the park.

"Those are bad for you." One of the boys in your group, Taki, said.

"Good." You answered.

"Bakugou is being a creep again and staring this way." Minori said, you turned your face towards him and rolled your eyes when he simply glared at you.

"What a dickhead he acts like he's above everyone else cause of his quirk, he's such a weirdo plus I heard he has a superiority complex what an attention whore." You complained.

Your friends exchanged a look between themselves, they felt like bringing up the fact you act above everyone else, and they would have gone home if you hadn't cried about how much easier it would've been to get kidnapped on your own.

"You're right anyways I have to go home now bye." Mitsuha stood up, you believed her. Her parents were over protective you would have let her go when school ended as you know how her situation is, but when you suggested it she said she wanted to hang out with everyone.

"Bye Mimi!" You exclaimed giving her your spray as you knew her parents would be all over her if they could smell cigarette on her.

Suddenly your mind went to Midoriya, he wasn't far from your bench he was still writing in his hero analysis book, you wanted to know what was written it it without using your quirk, you wanted to know his hobbies and what he was intrested in.

"Hey y/n, you seem weirdly interested in Deku today, you should do what Aoi did to him it'll be hilarious if it comes from you." Kana giggled, taking a drag from her cigarette too.

"Nah man thats too cruel." You answered.

"You have never taken someone's feelings in account before."

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