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You sat in you room, thinking about the time you just spent with Midoriya. You were happy you were spending time with him.

"His smile is soo ahhhhhhhhh." You yelled into your pillow. A blush on your face as you remembered your day.

"Why did I rant about my quirk, like an idiot? He's gonna think i'm weird." You kept talking to yourself.

You wanted to be around him more, you wanted to know about him more even if he was a bit awkward and weird today. You loved everything about him, to his muttering, his obsession with all might and quirks, to his dorky personality.

You loved his freckles and the way his cheeks would heat up anytime he saw something he was intrested in, the way his messy green curls would get messier when Kirishima would go ruffle it.

You loved when he got so happy he begins to cry.

His smile was the best of all, not the one he did while saving people, the one were he really meant it. It made you feel so happy, like you were floating, his smile was all you needed to make you feel happy after a tiring day. It was all you could survive on for the rest of your life if needed.

All the talk about letting him and Uraraka have a relationship was really just you trying to be nice, you trying to get over the boy that you loved.


The boy that you were in love with.

You wanted him to want you to crave you the way you craved him, you wanted him to be dependent on your existence to be happy, although you wouldn't say that. You wouldn't even allow yourself to think that around him.

A smile fixed an your face as you melted into your bed and fell asleep. Images of the green haired boy and the conversations you had before he told you he only tolerates you.

The amount of hope you held in your chest despite seeing the way he looked at your best friend. The way you longed for him to talk to you one day and say he likes you.

You really wanted his feelings to drift from the brunette to you. His hair bounced in your dream when he came running to you to ask you to organise and summarise what he wrote in his notebook.

You were jealous and every moment she spent with the boy made it grow. Whenever training happened or he got injured you felt yourself shatter as you mind went to the worst outcomes.

He hadn't noticed your glances at him and loved filled looks even when Mina began to notice and spread the info, of course it got dismissed as Midoriya didn't completely belive it himself.

You imagined him saving you when the villian nine attacked the island, him complimenting you on being able to get the people to safety.

You remembered the time you wrote a song about him when he began paying little bits of attention to you, your imagination running wild with fake scenarios.

Even though you would be rejected, you wanted to tell him how you felt without someone telling him for you.

It was the middle of the night when you woke up abruptly. You took in your surroundings, rubbing your eyes to clear your vision.

You sat up and shuffled to your door, with phone in hand you were half asleep and that was affecting your judgement when you ran downstairs to the greenettes bedroom.

You gently knocked on his door, hoping he was doing All might impressions or training, so you weren't bothering his sleep.

He opened the door, a blanket wrapped around his body, as he looked at your figure that was stood in front of his door.

"Hey y/n what are you here for?" He asked, he still had his thoughts on the fact you were the traitor of UA and Aizawa had recently told him to try get closer to you and get more info on the League.

"I need to tell you something before I lose the confidence to do it at all." You whispered as to not wake up anyone on his floor.

He let you in escorting you to his desk filled with All amight merch, it was a little messy, but you didn't mind.

"Thats a really cool figure." You pointed at his silver age costume, "silver age right, sold between 2143 and 44." You finished, its not like you literally went on an information hunt about All might when you found out Midoriya's intrested in him.

His face lit up when you said that, no one had pointed out anything to due with his action figures before. Then when he wanted to start talking about the retired hero, he remembered the fact your a villian and just went back to what you wanted to ask.

"Yes it is, but why did you come to room?" He asked, you saw the look on his face, he looked tired and you felt bad.

"Well there is this guy I like, he's sweet and kind, he has a lovely smile that just brightens up my day. He wants to become the number 1 hero just like his idol All might. He likes someone else tho, there aren't together, but it hurts to see him." You started, you couldnt look the boy in the face, you didnt want him to see how anxious you were.

"Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya, I dont just like you. I think, I think I love you." You stated. You had other things to say, so you were happy for his silence.

"I love everything about you, your adorable and strong and reliable, I love your muttering, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, when you blush, your happy tears. But you like my best friend, and I've been jelous ever since, when you spent time with her, in the sports festival when she joined your team the look you gave her got me jealous."

You began pacing around the room, talking about the things that made you jealous of your best friend.

"Even when we went to I Island, when she came down in her dress the look on your face said it all, even Melissa made me mad, you didnt need her to turn off the island security you had me and my quirk. I wanted you to talk to me the same amount you talk to everyone else. I crave your attention. I want you to fumble your words when you talk to me, to blush anytime I give you a compliment, to feel worried anytime I get injured I want you to praise me and love me, but you have her and she makes you happy so I have to let it go."

You took a deep breath in, your face going red as you almost ran out of breathe while talking about your feelings and the insane amount of jealousy that you've never spoke up about before.

"But I understand if you dont like me at all?" You quickly added on, trying not sound like your guilt tripping him into a relationship.

"You haven't changed at all." Midoriya whispered to himself, he always had it in the back of his mind, although he buried as he got to know you, it rose again when the evidence of you being the traitor had come up.

What if she was saying she likes me to get info from me, Shigaraki does know I have One for All and he wants me dead so using her to lead him to his death would be an easy way to kill me.

You waited for your answer patiently. Midoriya on the other hand was thinking all about the fact you're the traitor.

"I understand." You said in a defeated tone, turning your body to leave his room.

"Wait y/n!" You swiftly turned around, your chest lifted with the mention of him calling you back.

"Just give me a chance to think about what you said."

You smiled and nodded, walking out of his room. You let out a sigh as you left his room, you had your confession out of the way, but now you had to wait for his answer.

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