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Bakugou's body touched the water only creating a small splash as he fell in. He began to thrash around unable to actually swim himself. He was crying but the water hid that fact.

Your body was unconscious being taken in by the blue ocean. Your mind was foggy with a flashback of one chapter of your life playing over and over again nothing else just the time spent in UA. You didn't know what it meant Midoriya's smile, Bakugou Uraraka it was a continuous loop

Suddenly thoughts of the League fill your head, how much happier you were when you spent time with them, you didn't even say goodbye to them.

Bakugou had submerged underwater trying so hard to find your body but it was so hard when it was so dark.

"Y/N!" He screamed choking on the water as he did so. He wasn't going to give up not until he had you in his arms alive and safe.

He let himself sink, controlling his breathing and calming down. He had to use his head.

If you were unconscious by now you would have floated up and the current is going right.

He began to kick in a certain direction looking for your silhouette in the blurry hue.

In the distance, he saw your unconscious body it was still sinking a lot lower than he thought. He let himself plummet down to get to you faster.

He wrapped his arms around your cold body, pulling you up while kicking his legs harshly.

Once out of the water he kept kicking trying to get to the ship that was closest to the both of you.

"HEY!" He screamed hoping to catch the attention of the sailing man. "FUCKING IDIOT CANT YOU HEAR ME!" He was getting and impatient, right now your state was his priority and you were getting paler by the second.

He says a man come out of the boat, "HEY PRICK HELP SHES GONNA DIE!" The old man turned a flashlight on the two of you. He threw a donut at Bakugou to help pull you onto a boat.

"CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE!" His voice was broken as he laid you down on the floor and started doing CPR on your body.

The man fiddled with his phone calling an ambulance as he turned out the motor on his boat taking you back to land.

"Wake up dammit!" He yelled at your body as he pumped your chest, "you're not gonna leave yet!" He slowly became sloppy body shaking as tears came down his face falling onto your body.

"I love you don't leave yet." He remained silent for a few minutes until he heard sirens and saw blinking lights from the mainland.

Wiping his face, and carrying on with CPR he put on a brave face.


Some students from your school watched your unconscious body get carried away in an ambulance as they were curious as to why there was so many surrounding the harbour.

The Dekusquad was also there traumatised from seeing their friend who could be dead being taken away by ambulance.

Bakugou hated it he was being held back by police officers as he was so desperate to be in the ambulance to see how you were doing.

They were pumping your lungs in the ambulance trying to get as much water as possible out of them. Once they did that they put you in a machine to feed you oxygen and keep your heart pumping.

Bakugou stopped thrashing watching the ambulance drive off with your body in it. He looked defeated, the officers let him go telling him to write a statement as they wrapped a blanket around his shoulders.

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