Rain: Siegfried x Reader (1) ☁️

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For you, BlueBerry_Chonk. Had to do one of my favorite dragon slayers X}

Y/N sat underneath the tree, her clothes completely soaked through as she watched the rain pouring under their ineffective tree shelter. The rain came down through the leaves, landing on the top of her head and soaking her hair. Y/N's servants, Mash, Tawara, and Siegfried were all huddled under the tree with her. Siegfried sat closest to her, his tail neatly curled around his side, sandwiched between the two of you, and his wings pinned close to his back. They brushed against her shoulders every once in a while, and she could feel them jerk away from her when Siegfried had realized they had fallen.

Y/N turned your head to look at her saber servant, seeing his eyes pinned on the horizon as he struggled to keep his wings pinned to his sides. He glanced down at her once he realized she had been staring, a quizzical look on his face.

"You don't need to be tense around me, you know," She said with a smile as she examined his face.

"Sorry," He said, a faint pink on his cheeks as he looked away.

She smiled and kept to herself as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes, enjoying the sound of the rain. The heat radiating from Siegfried warmed her skin and bones. A pleased sigh left Y/N's lips, making the man beside her turn his head to glance down at her curiously. Siegfried examined his Master silently, watching the rain roll down their face and cleanse them of their worries. He could see the stress that had been knotted into her shoulders wash away from her thoughts as she basked in the sound of the rain and the presence of her dear Servants. His eyes looked down at her arms, taking note of how her hair stood on end and goosebumps rose on their skin. He bit the inside of his cheek, hesitant as he cautiously stretched his right wing out to shelter her from the rain. She took notice of the lack of light and rain immediately, opening her eyes and looking up to see his dark bat-like wing hovering above her head like a leather umbrella.

"Thank you, Siegfried," She said with a smile as she turned to look at the dragonslayer, a warm feeling spreading through her chest when they saw the small smile on the Servant's face, however faint it was.

"It's my pleasure," He said with a nod as he tore his eyes from her, biting back the smile that threatened to overcome his face.

Y/N couldn't help the happy smile on her face when she saw the small pink blush on the Saber's cheeks, making her let out a happy sigh as she thoughtlessly leaned against his side. She could feel the Saber tense at the physical contact, his body rigid as his face froze with surprise. She realized her mistake and quickly sat up, inching away to give him the space she felt he needed.

"Sorry, Siegfried," She said anxiously as she drew her knees up to her chest and hugged them. "I forgot you didn't like physical contact-"

She blinked when his wing wrapped around her side and pulled her flush against his side, his tail wrapping around her back and resting on her lap.

"I- I don't mind it if it's you," Siegfried admitted, albeit in an almost shy manner as a blush graced his cheeks and his eyes avoided her.

The words he spoke and the contact between them made her heart soar as blood rushed to her cheeks and a happy smile curled onto her lips. She leaned against the saber as he sighed and relaxed against her, his eyes closed as they listened to the rain.

Aiyaaaaa. Sorry for the wait, this week's been a bit hectic :}
Hope you all enjoy this shy dragonslayer as much as I do~

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