Our Love is Blind: Archer Gilgamesh x Blind!F!Reader (1)

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Y/N absently rubbed her bandaged eyes with the back of her arm, thinking to herself as her other hand grazed and groped the clay she was working on. She was a master artisan of ceramic goods, yet she couldn't even see her work. The thought of being unable to see her masterpieces stung her heart, but the pleasure she received from pleased patrons soothed her mind. She loved her work, and many others did too, since her work was affordable and high quality compared to many of the other artisans of her caliber. It forced her competition to drive their prices lower and lower, eventually making them bankrupt. Fortunately for Y/N, her hot-shot competitors didn't know that she processed all of her materials herself. She would go out early in the morning of Ninurta to gather clay and process it on the morning of Sin the next day.

Because Y/N was blind, many people tried to shortchange her when purchasing her stoneware pottery. Particularly scummy patrons would try to exchange true golden coins for iron or lead, which she could easily tell were fake currency. Her master had engraved the exact size, shape, and weight to the true currency of Uruk, unable to leave the disciple of the Golden Merchant helpless when he left. As her master before her had done, Y/N would stamp value markings on the bottom of her pots, which also served as a mark of craftsmanship. These markings helped her value her goods properly, and helped patrons distinguish her works from replicas.

Y/N was working on her latest masterpiece when a bell rang, her head turning towards the sound as she stopped her work. "Hello?" She called out. "Is there something I can help you with?"

Sandals with reed-woven bottoms tapped on the ground, the soft rustling of silk fabric ringing in Y/N's ears, similar to the way coins jingled in a wealthy fellow's purse. "I require the finest of your works." The feminine voice rang out like a bell, stern and full of authority.

'Ah, a woman of wealth.' Y/N felt a small smile curl onto her lips. The wealthy always wanted the best of the best for themselves. "Of course. Only the best for my patrons." She felt around her workspace for the bowl of water she always kept close by to clean her hands of the clay she worked with. "I'll be with you in just a moment."

She washed her hands in the water before feeling around for the woven cheese-cloth she kept beside her, patting her hands dry on the fabric as she stood up on her feet.'I pray to Ishtar that she has the patience of a saint.' Y/N moved over to the counter, her hands delicately running over shelves that guided her to her shop's counter. "What may I do for you, madam?" Her hands felt around her counter-space before they grabbed a hold of a small wooden tool she often fiddled with. She heard the woman shift around with practiced and steady footsteps.

She cleared her throat. "I have heard many other artisans sing praise of your work, yet I see no color in your craft." The woman shifted around some more, walking around her shop to examine her wares.

Y/N laughed softly, nervously. "Ah- I tend to glaze my crafts white for fear that the colors will clash." She leaned against the countertop, drumming her fingers on the smooth wooden surface. 'Did you get nervous like this as well, Master?'

She felt a heavy stare on her face before the woman gasped quietly. "You're blind?" She asked, clearly shocked. "Your work doesn't show any hint that you can't see."

Y/N laughed softly, resting against the desk in the center of the store as she sorted through her thoughts. "I wasn't always like this," She said with a small smile. "I was very young when I lost my sight in an unfortunate accident. So young, in fact, that I have never seen our King's face."

The woman shifted again, her gaze leaving Y/N's face. "Is that so?" Her voice softened, making Y/N press her lips together in thought.

'Should I...?' Internally smiling, she decided to play her pity card. "It's unfortunate- I've wanted to see face since the moment I learned to sculpt so I could immortalize his greatness," Y/N said with a long sigh. "All I'm good for is my humble craft with these sightless eyes of mine."

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