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The team set up outside the VA center while Jay went in the door. His heart sped up as it always did when he joined these groups. As much as talking about some of his experiences had helped him to better control his triggers and coping skills he still found it exhausting and stressful.

"I've got Malony." Adam called over the radio as he watched their target get out of his car and go into the VA.

"Perfect, go plant the tracker." Voight answered back and Adam walked nonchalantly through the parking lot. When he reached Malony's car he dropped down and quickly stuck the tracker on the underside of the rear bumper. The team waited outside for Jay to turn the recording device on.

Jay went up to Mark and shook his hand before taking a seat to his left. He'd gotten comfortable in his own group with the same people every week. They had gotten quite close through their shared experiences. Mark greeted people as they came into the room. The group was small, only 6 other guys other than Mark and Jay. Finally they were all settled and Mark signalled to start the group.

"Thanks for coming back everyone!" Mark said with enthusiasm and clapped his hand on his prosthetic hand. "I've asked Jay to join us today from my Thursday evening group. He's taken a very long time to really start opening up but I feel his story will really resonate with some of the rest of you."

Jay's heart skipped a beat and he glanced sidelong at Mark who was grinning at him. Jay had thought he was just going to sit and listen before trying to talk to Malony after the group but Mark had other plans. He took a deep breath but realized it would help solidify his chances of Malony thinking he was legit if he talked about some of his history.

"Well, thanks Mark, I hadn't really expected to talk much today but I know you love to push us out of our comfort zones. My name is Jay and I was in the Army, Third Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment. I did two tours in Afghanistan. I spent a lot of that time in Korengal Valley and almost every day there was a fire fight." Jay introduced himself, watching his hands intently as he spoke so he wouldn't have to look at the other men he was speaking to.

"Welcome Jay. Thank you for joining us." Mark squeezed his shoulder while the other guys welcomed him as well. "I know how hard it has been for you but could you tell us about one experience that you are still working through."

Jay smiled inwardly that Mark was using the opportunity to continue to stretch Jay and work on his issues. "There are quite a few that I still see when I slow down enough to let my mind wander, or when I sleep. One of my last missions I was on a convoy with some guys I got really close to. We were on our way to the airport to get a supply drop off. There was one small bombed out abandoned town that we had to go through to get to the airport. We were almost through when our truck hit a roadside bomb. Our truck flipped onto the side before the gunners started to shoot the convoy. I dislocated my shoulder and my best friend's leg was shattered. I managed to kick the back window out and drag my friend out from the back seat. As I was dragging him into one of the building shells someone shot at me from inside so I fired in blind and took him out. When we got into the building, I realized the shooter was a young boy, probably no more than 12 years old. My friend covered me while I went back and tried to pull the other two out of the truck but as I was about to go in the back window the combatants hit the truck with an RPG. I was thrown back and knocked out but my friend pulled me back into the building. We lost half our team in that convoy."

Mark squeezed his shoulder again with a sympathetic expression. "You've been coming to my group for months now and that's the first time you've shared that with me, thank you."

Jay nodded and sat back as the rest of the group carried on with the discussion. He was exhausted emotionally but knew he still had a job to do. He listened intently to all the others' stories and Mark's responses. Finally the group was over and they shook each other's hands. Jay hit the recording device in his pocket. Mark had coffee and donuts waiting for the group. Mark knew Maloney would not wait long before leaving so he introduced Jay while the others were getting refreshments.

"Kaleb, I want you to meet Jay. He might be able to answer some of the questions you had for me after the group last week better than I could. He was a specialized weapons expert." Mark made the introduction before going over to the others at the snack table.

"Nice to meet you." Jay shook hands with Maloney and sipped his coffee.

"Nice to meet you too. You were right in the thick of things, weren't you?" Maloney asked and they stepped slightly away from the rest of the group.

"Ya, we had some pretty crazy experiences over there. It was a hard transition back, I went through almost a year before I could get my head back on straight. Probably lucky I didn't end up getting myself killed or arrested in that year." Jay laughed.

"I know the feeling." Maloney nodded.

"Mark said you had some questions about specific weapons?" Jay cocked his head and took a sip of his coffee.

"I had some questions for Mark after last week but really, I'm good. I was just doing a bit of research on some of the weapons the other side was using in country. I've been working on a bit of a project, not a big deal. Thanks though."

"How about I give you my number so if you have any more questions you can text me?" Jay suggested.

"Sure man, Mark's got pen and paper at the snack table. I left my phone in the car. I find it a bit of a distraction if I bring it in." Jay gave Kaleb his undercover phone number before they shook hands and Mark left the building. Jay said goodbye to Mark before leaving himself, crossing the street to get in the car with Hailey.

"You ok?" Hailey asked after seeing the exhaustion on his face.

"Mark took the opportunity to stretch me a little more. I've gotten used to sharing with the same guys that I trust. Mark pushed me to open up today with people I don't know. It made the conversation with Maloney go easier though. I don't think he had any suspicions." Jay laid his head back on the headrest for a moment while the car with the tracker started to pull away.

"Halstead and Upton. Follow the tracker. Ruzek and Atwater, you will be on night shift so go do what you need to do. Kim and I will head back to the district." The team split off on their various assignments and waited for some sign of where the robbery crew was meeting and storing their weapons. No one saw the man step out of the doorway down the street who had watched the team work from afar.

Jay and Hailey followed the tracker across town to a rundown warehouse district. They saw the car parked in the lot of an abandoned carpentry warehouse. They carefully drove past and around the block before finding a spot down the street where they could see the car and entrance to the warehouse. Hailey parked and they got comfortable.

"Sooooo, I need to let you know. You left the wire on the whole meeting. Adam, Kim and Kevin heard the whole thing." Hailey wrinkled her nose and glanced at Jay. Her partner's response was exactly as she expected. He closed his eyes with a big sigh and put his head back on the headrest. "I know you don't want to talk about it with us but I am very glad that you are working through some of this stuff with Mark."

"Thanks, I really need some separation from my past and present. I don't want my team looking at me like damaged goods." Jay sighed and tilted his head towards Hailey.

"We don't think you are damaged, Jay. What you went through made you who you are today. Full of heart, incredible warrior and fiercely protective of your team. It's ok to let us in a little." Hailey put a hand on his arm briefly but then their attention was brought back to the present when a second car pulled up into the lot. They slid down in their seats as they watched two more men get out of the car. Hailey quickly took pictures before they disappeared inside. Ten minutes later another car rolled up and three more men got out. Hailey took the pictures before Jay took the SD card into the laptop and sent them to Kim.

"Sarg, it looks like we have their meeting place. Do you think we have enough for a warrant yet?" Kim showed Voight the pictures on her computer as they loaded up.

"It's an abandoned warehouse, we don't need a warrant. Tell Halstead and Upton to stay there until they leave. See if it looks like they are going to hit another store tonight. If it isn't too late I'll get Trudy to have someone watch the tracker overnight and we will all get some rest and hit the warehouse tomorrow morning. Text Ruzek and Atwater, they don't need to keep surveillance overnight." Voight nodded at Kim before going to talk to Sergeant Platt before she would leave for the day. 

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