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The next morning the team assembled a block away from the warehouse. There had been no robbery the night before and all three cars had not moved since the afternoon before. Kim had been able to identify the other five men through facial recognition. They checked with Malony's parole officer and the warehouse was listed as his home. The team were going into the warehouse hoping to find evidence linking Malony to the robberies.

"We are proceeding with extreme caution. This warehouse used to be a cabinetmaker and many of the tools and machines were left behind when they went bankrupt." Hank addressed the team in full tactical gear.

"Hailey and I were watching this place for hours in the afternoon, 6 men went in and we did not see them leave. Their cars are all still in the lot. Patrol will be keeping the perimeter while we breach to go after Malony. Sergeant will stay out here and run communications and operations. " Jay explained.

"All ready?" Hank checked in with his team. They all nodded and moved forward in precise formation towards the back door of the warehouse. Jay was in the lead with Adam close behind. The heavy steel door was unlocked and they opened it and went through quickly checking opposite directions for any sign of the robbery crew members that had filled the building just the day before. The large room was empty other than stacks of boxes. The team split into groups to clear the aisles before moving to the front showroom. It was also empty other than a circle of chairs in the center of the showroom. Jay was concerned the offenders had been tipped off. They believed the intel that had brought them here to have been solid and they had cased the warehouse out thoroughly before planning the raid. Jay pushed all those thoughts aside as they finished clearing the first floor and moved towards the basement. Jay glanced back at his team briefly before he nodded to Ruzek to open the door. Door open they went down the stairs quickly, Jay listening intensely for any sign that the gang was down the stairs.

The basement had carpentry equipment covered in thick canvas or sheets and dust. It didn't seem like there had been anyone down there in a long time. They fanned out to check between the machines towards the room at the back. There were several trails of footprints through the dust on the floor. Jay went through the door and heard something that made his heart leap to his throat. He heard beeping in the back corner of the room.

"Get out, it's a bomb!" Jay yelled and turned to push Ruzek back towards the other room. He watched them all turn as the beeping intensified before a massive explosion rocked the foundation. Jay felt chunks of the bomb hit him in the leg, arm and back before the force of the explosion slammed him into the wall. He collapsed against the wall as the ceiling fell in from the level above.

Voight stood outside with Sergeant Platt waiting for the team to radio when they had the offenders in custody or the building was clear. Suddenly there was a boom and they watched in horror as the windows all broke, throwing glass and dust out of the building. They heard crashing sounds from inside the building.

"Halstead Report!" Voight called over the radio, ignoring the order for radio silence. "Ruzek, Burgess, Upton, Atwater. Anyone REPORT!"

Sergeant Platt wasted no time calling for backup and CFD to come. She held Voight's shoulder to keep him from rushing in to find his team.

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