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Ok so. Don't get mad at me-

No ones pov:

Sadly adora STILL had tutor Asher over the summer they have been hanging out for a pretty long time. Of course adora still hangs out with her friends but she's mostly tutoring Asher.

Adora doesn't know to much about her self (sexuality wise) she thinks she's straight then she thinks she's bi then she thinks she's lesbian and then she thinks she's pan! So she's kinda confused she's had a lot of time to think about it during the summer but she still doesn't know!

But one things for sure. Asher had developed a huge crush on adora. And clearly adora being the dummy she is doesn't know

But anyways adora JUST finished her daily walk and was on her way home when Asher found  her

"hey adora!!" Asher said

"Oh hey Asher! I'm about to go home do u wanna come to my place to study?" Adora asked and ashes blushed

"Y-yeah sure let's go" he said then adora grabbed his hand and Asher blushed  harder he probably looks like a tomato right now But anyways after a while they finally got to Adoras house

"Mom I'm home!" Adora said

"Oh hi baby...wait who's that?" Mara said and sat on the couch

"Oh mom this is my friend Asher!!" She said

"Hi" Asher said then he smiled and waved

"Hello Asher nice to meet u" Mara said

"Well we're gonna go to my room now!" Adora said then she dragged Asher again and ran up to her room

"KEEP THE DOOR OPEN" Mara yelled

"MOM!" Adora yelled back

"LOVE YA" Mara said then adora closed the door

"Ignore her she's a bit crazy" Adora said while laughing

"Yeah" Asher said

After a while of tutoring and laughing they were Finally finished. Asher was getting better grades but he wasn't gonna tel adora that. He didn't want to lose her

"So what do u wanna do now?" Adora asked

"I actually wanted to tell u something..." Asher said

"What is it?" Adora asked

"I LOVE U!" Asher yelled then he quickly covered his mouth with his hand and adora blushed

"Oh...uhh.." Adora said

"Oh. I get it u don't like me..." he said and looked down

"No no!! It's not that I do like u I really do! It's just-"

"U don't think I'm good enough?" He said

"No asher!" Adora said

"Well then will u date me?" He asked

"Asher I-" adora said

"I knew it!" Asher said cutting adora off "u don't think I'm good enough" he said

"Asher no it's not that." Adora said then she sighed  "ok fine...I'll go out with u.." Adora said. After adora said that she felt like throwing up.


"Yeah." Adora said quietly then Asher kissed her on the cheek

"Great! See ya later babe" he said then she walked out her room and left the house

"Ew." Adora said. The only reason she said yes was because she felt bad adora liked Asher she really did but only as a friend. And obviously she doesn't want her friends to be sad so she just agreed no matter how many times her head screamed for her to say no and kick him out.

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