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Glimmers pov:

I woke up at like 10 am so I decided to wake up bow and then adora and catra.

"Bow! Bow wake up!" I whispered and shook him

"Ughh five more minutes" he groaned

"Come on bow get up!" I said and shook him again so he sat up and rubbed his eyes

"Why am I up?" He asked and turned his head over to face me and I blushed

'Why does he have to look so cute in the morning' I thought to myself

"W-we gotta get up!" I said and stood up then I turned around and saw adora and catra? CUDDLING!! catras head was on Adoras chest and adora had her arms wrapped around catra!!! AHHH SO CUTE!!

"Bow! Bow!" I whisper shouted and he stood up next to me

"What?" He asked and I pointed to the couch and he gasped

"SO CUTE!!" He whispered I quickly took out my phone and snapped a couple of pics

"SO ADORABLE!" Bow yelled and catra woke up so I quickly put my phone away

"What's adorable?" She asked and rubbed her eye

"Nothing!" Me and bow said quickly catra looked confused

"Ok? Weird" she said then she looked down and she blushed and quickly got up

"Omg." Catra said

"Adora WAKEY WAKEY!" Bow said and shook adora

"Noooo" she groaned

"We made pancakes and bacon" I said and she sat up really fast

"BACON?" She asked

"No adora no bacon" catra said

"UGHHH" Adora groaned and laid back down 

"No no no get up!" I said and she sat up again

"Whyyy" she asked and rubbed her eyes

"Because I'm actully gonna make some pancakes and bacon! U might wanna be awake for it!" I said and walked over to the kitchen

"YAY!" Adora said

No ones pov:

After a while of glimmer and bow cooking they were finally done!

"Come and get it while it's hot!" Glimmer said and now laughed


"PANCAKES!" Catra said

"Come on eat eat!" Glimmer said and they all sat down at the table and adora took a bite of her pancakes

"Hmm this is really good!" She said

"Why thank u" glimmer said and bowed

(Time skip)

"I'm so full" catra said

"GOOD! That means ya liked it!" Bow said as he put all there dishes in the sink then they heard some knocking on the door

"I'll get it" Adora said as she got up from her chair and walked over to the door

When she opened it there was nobody there... she looked around confused and then she looked down and saw a package with just her name on it so she picked it up closed the door brought it inside and out it on the table

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