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Tw:abuse,toxic behavior,Asher

No ones pov:

It is now the best friends squads first day of junior year!!

Glimmer is now 16
Bow is 17
Catra is 17
And adora is 16

And sadly adora and Asher are still dating-

It's been 4 months since adora and Asher started dating. And glimmer catra and bow have noticed that somethings off with adora. Adora would come to school with bruises once she came to school with a black eye and most days she would limp around. And she didn't talk to glimmer bow or catra for a week.But after that they started talking again but adora never talked about it and whenever they brought it up she changed the subject... it was weird 

"Hey have u guys noticed anything weird about adora?" Catra asked

"Yeah definitely should we go ask her?" Glimmer asked

"I say we ask her! I'm worried about her!" Bow said

"Yeah ok let's go" catra said then they all got up from there lunch table and went to go find adora after a while of looking they found her outside sitting next to Asher and adora looked uncomfortable so they all walked up to her

"Hey guys!" Glimmer said adora tried to turn her head to looking over to them but Asher tighten his grip on her shoulder so she stopped

"Uhh ok... well Asher could we borrow adora for a second?" Bow asked

"No" Asher said

"This time we're not asking let us talk to her" catra said

"Ok." He said and shrugged

"Alone Asher." Catra said coldly

"Fine." He said then he left

"Hey adora!" Bow said

"Hi guys" Adora said

"Soo uhh can we sit?" Glimmer asked and adora nodded so they all sat down next to her

"So what did u wanna talk about?" Adora asked

"You" bow said

"What about me?" Adora asked and laughed a little

"What up with u and Asher?" Catra asked

"Nothing... we're good I guess" Adora said and shrugged  

"What do u mean u guess?" Bow asked but adora shrugged

"We aren't good but we aren't bad" she said

"Ok well why have u been acting so weird?" Glimmer asked

"I haven't been acting weird" Adora said "have it?" She asked looking confused

"Yeah u have! U cut us off for like 2 weeks and then u act like nothing happened" glimmer said

"It's pretty werid princess" catra said

"Yea..sorry about that...but he made me" she said

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