☆Chapter 7★Onigiri and Crayons☆

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☆Saiki's POV☆

Today was boring. Kobuyasu is still injured, I don't know anything about Kaidou, and and I'd rather not have anyone else over right now. My parents are out and my brother hasn't spoken to me after he relized he was about to lose his job. I could just play some video games, read, study, or make food, but those don't sound that appealing. It has been a week since I last regressed, so I could do that.

It's decided, I'll just go into little space for a while. That should cure my boredom. I start the transformation process of making me smaller while pulling out my little stuff. I grab my alien paci and sippy, get into my space themed onsie, and grab all of my stuffies. I set everything up and go downstairs and get me some coffee jelly.

I go back up stairs and turn on my favorite cartoon. I put on my geranium ring and sit down. I eat my coffee jelly and watch the cartoon, giggling at all the jokes.

☆Time Skip☆

As another episode of the cartoon ended, I hear a knock on the front door. I hope that it's someone who knows. I'm currently really small, and I don't want to be big. I check putside the window, hoping to not see Teruhashi or anyone.

Instead, I see Shun! I get excited and practically run down the stairs. I open the door and greet Shun with a hug.

"Hey, little one!" He says.
"Hii!" I say, unable to contain my excitement.

He picks me up and comes inside, closing the door behind him. Shun brings me upstairs and sits me down on the floor, sitting next to me right after.

"So, little one, how have you been" He asks.

I make happy noises, signifying that I've been good. It was hard to talk when this small.

"Aww, I'm glad, now what do you wanna do?"

I try to think of things to do, not really sure. I want to go eat food but I also wanna color. I'm kind of indecisive.

"Are you hungry?" Shun says as if he read my mind.

I nod. He smiles and picks me up, carrying me down to the kitchen. He sets me down on the counter and looks for something to make.

"How about some ongiri?" He asks, holding a bag if rice.

I nod, excited for food.

"I've practiced cooking more, so I should know what I'm doing." He points out, easing any worries I had about it.

I giggle and wait for him to finish cooking.

☆Time Skip☆

I clap my hands in excitement as Shun finally finishes cooking. Hands me some onigiri and I almost immediately take a bite.

"F-fank oo!" I try to thank him.
"Aw, no problem angel." He smiles.

I smile widely and take another bite. He actually did pretty good, compared to his past with food.

After eating we go upstairs. Once we got to my room I pull out my crayons and paper. I set everything down and start looking through the colors, thinking of ideas. Meanwhile, Shun was looking for a good episode of the cartoon I was watching.

I finally come up with a good idea and start drawing. I want to draw something for Aren, like a get well card or something. I look up at the tv a few times, wanting to see what's happening.

I few minutes later, I finally finish and show shun to see what he thinks of it.

"Aww, that's sweet, is it for Aren? I'm sure he'll love it." He says.

I smile brightly and get back to drawing another picture.

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