°•Chapter 10• B-day Special•°

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Third POV

It was currently a cold Saturday night and Kusuo was in his room, coloring in his little drawings and watching cartoons. It was only Aren with him today. Shun was stuck at home studying and doing homework. That was when Aren remembered something.

"Hey little guy, it's Shun's birthday soon. Wanna make him something?" Aren asked the boy.

The little's eyes lit up with stars and immediately nods. He hastily grabbed a blank piece of paper and his colored pencils along with his crayons. "Whatcha gonna make him?" Aren asks, curious about his plan.

"I gonnas make him a card!" Kusuo said in excitement, his words slurred together.

Aren smiled at the boy's cuteness and helped him fold the paper in half. He watched as Kusuo drew a small picture of Shun on the cover with the words "Happy Birthday" scribbled at the top. Then Aren helped him write what he wanted the card to say and signed it for him, signing it himself as well.

Once it was finished, they looked at the final product. They were happy with it, and they were sure Shun is gonna like it, too.

"Are you gonna get him something else, too?" Aren asked.
"Mhm! I wans get him a teddy!" Kusuo said.
"Alright, we can go together to the mall to choose tomorrow," Aren said. "But for now, it's your bedtime now, little one."

Aren ruffles Kusuo's hair, careful with the antenna's and making the two giggle. He picked him up and laid him down on his bed. Kusuo almost immediately grabbed one of his coffee jelly stuffies and cuddled close to it.

Aren quickly cleans up the paper and crayons, turns off the TV and turns off the light before getting into bed with Kusuo. Aren cuddles close to him, almost in a protective manner.

They both fall asleep, excited for the day ahead.

°•Time Skip brought to you at 11:12 pm•°

It was Kaidou's birthday and they were at school. Kaidou has been getting presents from classmates and friends all day. Nendo got him a new game, Chiyo made him a cupcake, Hairo got him a dumbbell, and Kuboyasu got him a new game controller.

As grateful he was for the presents, Kaidou couldn't help but worry about why Saiki didn't get him one. And Kuboyasu could tell. "Hey man, don't worry, I'm sure Saiki got you a gift! Just give him time, I'm sure he'll give it to you." Kuboyasu reassured him.

"If you say so, Aren." Kaidou said, smiling at him.

Kuboyasu smiled back. Saiki then walked over to them, as if right on cue. "Happy birthday, Kaidou." He said with a small soft smile. "Thanks, Kusuo." Kaidou said, smiling back.

Truth be told, yes Saiki did get him a present, but he was too embarrassed to give it to him at school. He had planned to give it to him after school, but was unsure of their plans.

Finally it was almost the end of the school day, and everyone was chatting about their plans after school. Saiki was still packing up when Kaidou and Kuboyasu approached him.

"Kusuo! Wanna hang out at mine after school? My mom got some more coffee jelly!" Kaidou asked, really wanting him to say yes.

Saiki nods with a smile, but that's what it looked like to everyone else. "I would have said yes even if you didn't have coffee jelly." Saiki confessed, using telepathy so only the two can hear him.

"Awesome! I can't wait to play my new game with you two!" Kaidou first pumped the air.

Then the bell rang and everyone rushed to leave. Once the trio made it outside, they made their way to Kaidou's house. Saiki had sent a telepathic message to his parents telling them where he'll be, so he didn't need to worry about them freaking out.

On the way there, the three had talked about many things, but it was mostly Kaidou being excited to hang out with his best friends all day. They soon reached Kaidou's house and were welcomed by his mother. They then start playing video games in Kaidou's room. Kaidou surprisingly won a lot, but Kuboyasu called it "birthday luck". A lot of the games were only two player, and Saiki volunteered to let the others play.

The two were playing a very intense match with Kaidou on the lead. Saiki chuckles to himself as Kuboyasu rages. Kaidou then laughed in victory as he won the match. Then there was a knock at the door, followed by Kaidou's mom opening the door. She had a small cake in her hands and stepped in.

"Happy birthday Shu! Hope you and your friends enjoy!" She sets the cake down on the coffee table and leaves, closing the door behind her.
"Thanks mom!" Kaidou semi yelled.

They all ate the cake and talked. That was when Saiki remembered his presents. He reaches into his bag and grabs out the card and teddy bear. Saiki then hands them to Kaido, not making eye contact. Kaidou looks at the presents and smiles. The teddy bear was wearing the PK Academy uniform and had little red bandages around it's arms. The card had cute messy drawing of him.

Kaidou opens the card and reads it aloud.

"Dear Shun, I hope you have a very happy birthday and I am greatly appreciative of you. Love, Kusuo." Kaidou started. "Dear Shun, thank you for staying by my side and believing in me and helping me change for the better. I hope you have a wonderful, happy birthday. Love, Aren."

Kaidou's heart almost exploded with happiness and love.

"Awwww, thank you guys!" Kaidou said, bringing the two in for a group hug.

The rest of the evening was spent having fun and talking with each other. The night was even more fun when they were notified that there would be no school the following day due to an infestation. Kuboyasu and Saiki we're allowed to sleep over and Kaidou would have called this the best birthday ever. But there was one other thing that he wanted.

Kaidou hadn't been able to be with little Kusuo for almost a week and a half. He wanted at least to get Saiki to slip so he could. So, even though it was very subtle, Kaidou had been trying to get him to slip. He used little nicknames and spoke to him very gently, somethings that have worked in the past.

Saiki picked up on what he was trying to do, and so did Aren. He had to admit, it was kinda working. It didn't get him to fully slip into his headspace, but it was enough to make him float between headspaces.

Soon it was time for them to sleep as they were all getting tired. Shun had gotten out three futons and laid them out, he made sure to get them as close to each other as possible.  The three got ready for bed and laid down, but they didn't go to sleep yet. They had talked for about another 20 minutes before they were starting to fall asleep.

Saiki was the first one to close his eyes, he felt as if he was slowly slipping, getting that familiar fuzzy feeling in his head.

"I guess it's time for us to go to sleep, goodnight!" Aren said, closing his eyes and yawning.
"Goodnight you two!" Shun said, yawning as well.
"Goodnight..." Kusuo said.

Then as he was drifting off to sleep, Kusuo felt Shun hold his hand. This was surprisingly enough for him to fully go into little space. And with that, he fell asleep more peacefully that night.

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