°Chapter 11• Bad Day!°

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(Hello, first off, I would like to apologize for not updating in a long time. I've been dealing with life and stuff, and I've been having a hard time getting in this kind of mindset and regressing myself. But, my goal is to regress more often, and I finally got motivation to write more. Sorry about the A/Ns, I don't usually put them in a chapter. This was inspired by what happened to me this week, and this is how I cope. So I hope you all enjoy!)

TW/CW! Sad and stressed Saiki, detailed nightmare, and crying.


I mentally groaned as the bell rang. School has just started and it was already getting on my nerves. People were louder than usual, their thoughts too. I hope I'll be able to survive today.

Classes go by and I take notes on whatever I need to. Lunch soon rolls around and as soon as that bell rings, three nuisances- I mean classmates immediately come up to me.

"Saiki! Can we please copy your notes?" Takahashi asks in his annoying begging voice.
"Please, Saiki?!" Chiyo asks before thinking; 'This'll help me get closer to Saiki! I'll be sure to make him fall for me!'

'No.' I say. 'You three really need to take your own notes, I'm not gonna be responsible for your irresponsibleness.'

I groan, already getting a headache.

"But, Saiki! You'd help me, wouldn't you?" Teruhashi says, acting innocent. What she's actually thinking is; 'Why is everyone crowding around MY Saiki? Only I should have his attention!' Annoying, right?

I just get up and leave with my lunch. I'll just go eat outside.

°A few hours later°

I just got home and all I want to do is my homework while eating some coffee jelly. I take off my shoes as I enter my house, placing them nearby. I look in the kitchen for my coffee jelly, just to not find it.

Ugh, my parents must've aten it. Oh well, I can just make more. I look for the ingredients, just to find that we're out of the main ingredient. Good grief. (I didn't notice how much he says good grief, or yare yare, in the anime until I saw the fandom point it out)

Whatever, I'll just go do my homework. I head upstairs and and sit at my desk. I rummage through my bag and grab out my homework and notes. I grab my pencil and try to click some lead out, just for a tiny piece to fall out.

I keep clicking it until I realize that there is no more lead in the pencil. I end up trying every single one of my pens and pencils, just for none of them to work. I don't even have a No.2 pencil. I sigh and give up. I guess I'll do it tomorrow.

I then feel my phone vibrate in my pocket before my ringtone plays. I pull out my phone and check the caller ID. It's my dad. I answer and put my phone up to my ear.

"Hey, Kusuo! Sorry, but your mother and I won't be back until later this evening. We're at a friend's place and this event is gonna last until almost midnight." He says, sounding apologetic. 'It's fine.' "Okay then, well stay safe Kusuo! Lock the doors! Bye, kiddo!" He then hangs up.

I guess I could invite Kaidou and Kuboyasu. I text them, asking if they can come over. I strangely don't get an instant reply, not even from Kaidou. Maybe they're not home yet?

I look around my room as I wait for a reply, not sure what to do. My phone then vibrates and I check it.

ShK: Sorry, Ku! But I have to babysit my siblings today! (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)⁠・⁠・⁠・
AK: Sorry, bud. I got some trash to take out. :)
SaK: It's fine, good luck.

Good grief. I sigh and put on my ring, finally free from all of the noise. I get up from my desk and lay down on my bed, deciding to just take a nap.

°In his dream° (Do not read if little! Skip until no longer bold)

I find myself surrounded by my classmates and stormy weather. We were on a destroyed cliff, my antennas in pieces in front of me. A lot of my classmates are injured and I can't move. I can't do anything except watch as my classmates get hit by a mysterious cloud.

I look up and see another me, but it's not me? He keeps slamming his fist down and hurting them. I look around me and my eyes land on Kaidou and Kuboyasu. They're both scared beyond belief. I watch in terror as I see other me hurt them.

"Shun! Aren!" I yell out, gasping and sitting up quickly. I breath heavy and my heart races. I look around and take in my surroundings. I'm in my room, the sun seemingly to be setting.

I try to regulate my breathing but can't. I start to feel a familiar fuzzy feeling and I just let it take over. I feel myself slip younger and younger as I regress.

My breathing quickens and I feel my eyes start to water. I let out some sobs, missing Shun and Aren. I sob a bit before hearing my phone ring. I scramble to look for it, picking it up once I find it. Through blurry vision, I can see that it's Aren! I answer quickly, wanting nothing but to hear his voice.

"Hey buddy, me and Shun are on our way to your house! Just wanted to call and let you know! Alright?" Aren says. I sniffle before answering.

'Otay...' I say softly.
"Awh, buddy, what wrong?" Aren asks, noticing my tone of voice.
'Bad day...' I mumble, sniffling again.
"Oh no, I'm sorry buddy. We'll be there soon, hang tight!" He says before hanging up.

I sob a bit more, remembering my nightmare. I don't wanna hurt them! I grab one of my stuffies, squeezing it. I cry into it until I hear my door open. I look up and see my caregivers. I quickly sit up and make grabby hands at them, still crying.

"Awh, baby, what's wrong?" Shun asks softly, sitting next to me and cupping my tears stained cheek in his hand.
'I had nightmare! You got hurt and it was my fault! I sorry!' I cry, hugging him tightly.
"Oh, buddy, it was only a nightmare, none of it was real. We're here, safe and sound." Aren said in a comforting tone, sitting next to Shun.

I sniff and hug both of them, not wanting to let go. I start to calm down as they comfort me, my breathing becoming more regulated. I soon stop crying completely and I just cuddle into them. Aren temporarily gets up to grab my paci and plop it in my mouth.

Now calm, I start to feel tired again. I soon fall asleep peacefully while cuddling them.


I lightly kiss Kusuo's forehead before gently getting up.

"I'm gonna go make some coffee jelly for this little guy, he deserves some." I explain.
"Okay, be careful and good luck!" Kaidou says quietly, smiling brightly.
"I will, keep an eye on him." I say before kissing Kaidou's cheek and leaving the room.

Those two are so special, I wouldn't have it any other way.

°Almost 5 hours later° (I had to look up how long it takes to make coffee jelly, and it can take up to 7 hours!?)

I soon finish cleaning up as I wait for the coffee jelly to set in the fridge. I go back up stairs to Kusuo's room to find the both of them asleep. I smile at the sight and climb in, cuddling the two. I soon also fall asleep, never wanting this to end.

(I hope you all enjoyed, and that this makes up for me not updating since last year. I promise I'll try to update more, but school is literally next month- But hey! My birthday is in 8 days, so maybe I can do a B-day special ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. Buh-Bye!)

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