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Megan's pov:

I walked in Black Industries hq and rushed to the elevator. Not wanting to deal with everyone rushing to me talking about how our stocks look like or something. I went up the floors and to my office. Everything went back to normal so fast. Like nothing ever happened. No one questioned my one month absence. It was scary how quickly I had to just adapt to this change.

"Miss Black.." My assistant was at the door.

"Yes, come in." I gave her a tired smile. They walked in with a frappe and placed it on my desk. I gave them a quick 'Thanks' and sighed.

"Miss Black, there will be a charity ball held in Wayne Manor and you've been invited." they smiled.


I sighed and nodded.

"This weekend, they said."

"That's fine, I guess. I'll see." I returned to my paperwork but I noticed my assistant just stood there.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Miss Black, are you alright?"

I inhaled sharply and sighed into a smile. Not knowing how to answer this question so I smile.

"I will be. Thank you for asking." I smiled at them and they shortly left the room.

I groaned at the thought of a charity ball in Wayne Manor. What is it they wanted? For Jason to speak to me? For Bruce to speak to me? Why can't they just leave me alone?

After a long day, I eventually got up. Noticing that I hadn't even touched my frappe, I took it home. My heels slammed against the concrete floor as I entered my car.

The soft music set the mood for this car ride. Chill. I enjoyed the song. It soothed me.

Finally, reaching home. I unlocked the door and walked in my apartment. The dimness of the room was unsettling. Pitch black. The only thing that could be seen was the floor and that was lit up by the moon.

Then it hit me.

"I know you're there." I said.

And then, my breath quickened as the dark figure emerged from the darkness. His footsteps, heavy. He walked so slowly.

"Batman." I scoffed. "Or should I say Bruce?"

"Megan, I think we should talk-"

"About what?! You'll never understand what the fuck I've been through. You're gonna just say some dumb shit like, 'Yeah I saw my parents die too'. Like shut the fuck up." I angrily spoke. "This isn't about you. It's about me. I don't wanna sound like a narcissist but that's what it is. I don't wanna talk to Jason and you won't make me."

"I'm not here to speak about Jason. I'm here to speak about you." He said. I scoffed again.

He sat down on the couch opposite me.


"Are you alright?"

"Fine as ever, why?" I shrugged, furrowing my eyebrows.

"You're not fine, Megan. We can all see. I want to help you." He spoke while I just looked away from him. "I would like for you to see a therapist.."

"The fuck do you think you are?! You're not my guardian or some shit. You're one of the reasons this has happened." I yelled at him.

"What do you mean?"

I scoffed, biting my lip so I don't cry. I didn't wanna fucking cry now. Just suck it up, Meg.

"I hope you know you're little investments are the reason why I saw my mother dead on the floor. I saw her blood everywhere and.." I sighed as I felt tears swell up in my eyes. "And you all walked around saying he was a good man."

"Megan, we were investigating your father-"

"Stop fucking calling him that! Alright?! It's fucking annoying and he isn't my father!" I got up from my seat. I pointed at Bruce as I shouted.

"We were investigating James for a long time. The investments and everything were part of the investigation. We didn't know about your mother, I'm sorry."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. An investigation. My mother was killed because of an investigation.

"Sorry? You're sorry?" I let out a breathy chuckled as tears started to leave my eyes. "Your 'investigation' got my mother killed! Are you fucking.." My voice broke. I held my head in my hands, everything that happened just for an investigation.

"I've taken so much abuse from that man..I gave it all just to avenge my mother's death..And.." I couldn't breathe. No, not now.

He stood up.

"Are you alright-"

I shook my head as I held my chest. I walked to my bedroom and locked the door, sliding my back down it. I sat on the floor, hands over my ears as I tried to block everything out.

I head Batman..Bruce knock on the door and say something but I didn't wanna hear it.

I just cried and cried, trying to regain my breath and calmness. I took long exaggerated breaths to calm me down but to no use.

I just wanted it to stop. The lies, the pain, everything.

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