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TW: Mention of blood and death.

"So you weren't in love with her?" Lisa asked and Miyeon was silent for a couple of seconds.

"I was. I still am." She said and turned to face Minnie. "But I swear Minnie, when I noticed that you love Lisa and not me I just... I-i saw you only as a friend. it was the hardest thing to do for me but I did it because I genuinely care about you Minnie! I AM your friend. I'm sorry for how I feel but it's... I couldn't help it. I wanted to confess but you and Lisa got together. " Miyeon said lowering her head.

"You knew it from the beginning? " She asked Lisa and the brunette nodded.

"So you knew she liked me and you asked me out? She was your friend Lisa!" Minnie said and Miyeon raised her head to look at what was happening. She couldn't believe her what she was hearing.

"You're not mad at me?" Miyeon asked.

"No. Why would I be? you didn't do anything wrong but to be there for me and comfort me when I needed it the most." Minnie replied surprising Miyeon.

"Wow! What is the name of this Kdrama again?" Jennie said and pretended to wipe her imaginary tears dramatically.

"Let us go Jennie. what do you even want from us?" Minnie asked fraustrated. everything was just too much for her and she was losing her patience.

"You are here to pay for what you've done to me Nicha!" Jennie answered.

"I'm sorry ok? I didn't know you were going through a hard time because of that and I couldn't help it anyways!" The blonde haired girl said already tired from arguing.

"You could! I was in a hospital for a month! Do you get that? FOR A FUCKING MONTH!" Jennie shouted. "You... were always on my way! ALWAYS!" She continued aiming her gun towards Minnie.

"I was beaten up to death Minnie. i couldn't breathe properly for more than a year after that because of what? because you decided to tell every one and they kicked me out. my father was crazy over it. He thought i ruined his and the family's reputation. i was a teenager... and the only thing that i did was to break a fucking window! i-i didn't deserve that..." Jennie said with teary eyes still pointing her gun at Minnie.

"But it wasn't enough for you so you came back again and stole Lisa from me. you humiliated me..." Jennie's hand was shaking whilst tears streamed down on her face.

Miyeon was about to say something when they heard the sound of sirens from outside.

"This place is sieged by police. You have been convicted of kidnapping. It is better for you to surrender and release the hostages or we would break in." The voice said.

"WHO THE FUCK CALLED THE POLICE?" Jennie shouted aiming her gun to Minnie and Miyeon.

"Stop it Jennie! it's over you are just drowning yourself! " Minnie said but Jennie wasn't having it at all.

Everything was out of her control and the police was her last straw. she wasn't deciding with her mind. she wasn't herself. it was like some one else was controlling her and suddenly,

a bullet was shot.

Everything went quite for a second before Minnie fell on her knees as she was holding her stomach.

"MINNIE!" Miyeon shouted and ran towards the girl after seeing her fall.

Lisa was shocked, she couldn't move a muscle. she wasn't even blinking. it was almost like she had turned into a mannequin.

Jennie dropped her gun after she saw Minnie lying on the floor, blood coming out of her body with Miyeon shouting beside her.

what was happening? what did she do?

Police started to bang on the door trying to enter the building after hearing the gun shot.

"HELP! SOME ONE PLEASE HELP !CALL AN AMBULANCE! " Miyeon shouted tears starting to stream down on her cheeks. She put her hands on Minnie's stomach and applied pressure on it trying to prevent it from bleeding more.

"Miyeon~ah..." Minnie called her with a weak voice.

"Don't talk Minnie... Police is out there just hold on a little bit they will get us out of here." Miyeon said wanting to believe it.

"Listen please..." Minnie said again and coughed a few times. "I'm sorry... for... not treating you right." She continued with difficulty.

"Don't say that! you are the best person ever Minnie... you always have been." Miyeon said crying.

Minnie put her hand on the back of Miyeon's head and pulled it closer slowly.

Miyeon didn't know what was going on at first but when she saw the sparkle in the blond girl's eyes, she didn't waste any time and locked her lips with Minnie's.

She could taste the blood from her lips but she didn't care at all.

Minnie didn't care either. she wasn't thinking about the unbearable pain she was feeling or the emptiness she felt in her head. the only thing she could think of was how soft Miyeon's lips felt against her chapped ones.

They pulled away and looked at each other. Miyeon wasn't able to stop her tears as she stared into Minnie's beautiful and captivating eyes.

Her eyes... oh god her eyes...

They were the first thing Miyeon noticed the first time they met and since then she wasn't able to prevent her self from getting lost in them.

"I love you Miyeon... thank- you for... always being... there for me." Minnie said and Miyeon hugged her tightly.

"I love you too Minnie! I love you so much!" Miyeon said and a sly smile was formed on Minnie's lips as she started to close her eyes.

Miyeon let go of the hug and saw The girls eyes were closed.

"No Minnie! Open your eyes! You can't sleep now!" Miyeon said shaking Minnie's body but it wasn't working. "Please... open your eyes love..." She whispered as her sobs got harder but Minnie wasn't moving an inch. "Don't l-leave me alone h-here... You C-can't do this.. it's n-not the time to s-sleep... P-please..." She cried out loud and it was the first time Minnie didn't hug her when she cried.

"What did you do Jennie?" She whispered "What did you do?" She said again standing up and locking her eyes with Jennie who was standing there like a statue. Miyeon stood up and went towards her leaving Minnie's lifeless body there. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?" She shouted and grabbed jennie by collar shaking her violently but Jennie didn't say anything and her expression remained emotionless.

Miyeon grew more and more angry her muscles moved on their own. she went towards a table that was on the side of the room and grabbed the knife that Jennie put on it earlier.

She walked towards Jennie while wiping her tears and tackled her on the ground sitting on her stomach. "ANSWER ME BITCH!" She shouted angrily into jennie's face as she grabbed her by collar. bringing her face closer.

"I- I'm sorry!" Jennie answered and Miyeon didn't waste a second to hit Jennie with the knife. exactly where Minnie was shot. on her stomach.

Jennie screamed in pain but Miyeon's ears were not working. She couldn't hear Lisa screaming, she couldn't hear police banging on the door. She couldn't see Jennie's eyes that were begging Miyeon to let go and She couldn't think about anything but the anger she was feeling towards the girl.

"YOU KILLED HER! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" She took the knife out and stabbed Jennie again harder her tears streaming on her face. "You killed her..." She said and Her sobs got heavier.
The door opened and police ran inside. Some one grabbed Miyeon and pulled her away from Jennie's half-dead body.

"Why did you do that?"Miyeon whispered not hearing the voices around her. her brain was on a loop and she couldn't get out of it.

"Why did you have to kill her?"


I'm sorry guys.

the last chapter is also published

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