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Welcome my beautiful people, I have done some editing because it sucked so, I hope you like it, I'm really trying to get some things done before school starts here in Australia, so I have about a week, I start on Tuesday February 1st which is 8 days away.

Enjoy xxx


Two Gilmores had been friends with Olivia and her mom aria for a long time, although never mentioned, Olivia's relationship with her mother was loud and aggressive. Her mothers old world views and sexist ideals had seeped into Olivia's relationships unwillingly, rearing their ugly head to make snide comments about how Olivia should 'always be there to please her partner' or 'provide for him because that was her job.' The only real thing about her was that she strived for her daughter to have a good education and to be focused on her learning.

"How's The Eggs?" Rory asked impatiently.


"I'm glad," Olivia replied

"They're still good," Lorelai said.

"Were still glad," Rory adds,

"Look freaks we won't be late,"

"Good because if we were late, Momma June would kill you," Olivia remarked, taking another bite of her waffles . Her mom and Lorelai grew up together, Olivia's dad ran out on them when she was 5 so Lorelai and Aria raised Rory and Olivia together, their backyards joined by a short back fence.

"Momma June wont hurt me, she is my best friend."

"I thought I was your best friend!" Rory gasped.

"I thought I was YOUR best friend!" Olivia said.

"Alright this is getting ugly, let's all be best friends again," Lorelai resolves.

"We really got to go now," Liv replies. Olivia and Rory both went to Stars Hollow High but Rory moved to Chilton a little less than a year ago. They still eat breakfast together and Liv refuses to walk across the road alone, Rory and her have been walking hand in hand across that road to school since they were 5.

"Calm it Liv, I'm just picking up some donuts for after school." Lorelai says, standing up from her chair and walking to the counter.

"Everybody, listen up. Decide what you want, place your order, and then proceed to the end of the line." Taylor instructed

"I want a burger. "one of the boy scouts adds

"I want grilled cheese." his friend adds as well

"Me too."

"And I want fries, and make them really really crispy." a young boy called from the back of the line.

"I want mine crispy too." the first boy scout replies

"You didn't order fries."


"So you can't order crispy fries without first ordering fries." Luke says reluctantly. His temper and patience for kids runs thin and dries up quickly, often blowing up on young kids who get on his nerve.

"Why not?"

"Because you can't make something crispy that doesn't exist." Luke adds,

"Why not?"

"Get him away from me Taylor,"

"Have some respect. These boys have just completed the first leg of their outdoor survival training." Taylor corrects,

"Meaning you had them sit under a tree and glue rocks together for two hours." Luke says grumpily.

"You're a very jaded man Luke. What happened to you as a child?" Taylor Asks.

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