Nature Of The Heart

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Jess's POV

"Keep it up pal, you'll get hurt." Chuck taunts, dean, as the 'hero' he is, jumped in trying to help. Chuck is a prick, he hurt her.

"Whoa, hey guys! Guys, come on, break it up guys! Quit it! Hey, hold it man, get off me!"

"Whoa, hey, get off me man, I'm not fighting you! Jess, knock it off man! What the hell is your problem?"

"Nothing." I say nonchalantly.

"You saw it was me, Jess. Why'd you keep punching?"


"Had momentum. Your face just attracts my fist like a magnet." I tease.

"Well I was trying to help you." oh suck my dick, dipshit.

"I don't need you help, but thanks for offering."

Why does no one realise that I don't need help, I need to punch that dickhead Chuck. Of course his name is chuck, all chuck's are pricks, I can't believe he stuck around, how can someone do that to a girl and live with himself.

I want to go, leave this stupid place, take her with me. But of fucking course we cant leave, she has school and her family... well not her mom but Lorelai and Rory and shit but we cant leave, I couldn't do that to her.

Shit, brace bridge dinner tonight.


Olivia's POV

"Hey, did Bootsy RSVP to? Oh, hey liv. When did you stop by."

"about 20 minutes ago, Yeah, he's coming."

"Thanks. Is he bringing anybody?"

"He's coming solo." Rory interjects.

"Okay. I'm gonna put him in room 16 with Luke."

" You can't do that."

"Yes, yes we can." Olivia giggles.

"I agree with hot stuff over here, Come on, let us have our fun."

"aww, I'm hot stuff?" they joke, Is Jess coming?

"Luke's coming with Jess." That answers my question.

Well, I'll put Jess in with Liv, they seem like their friends or maybe not friends."

"Oh hush Lore, yes he's my friend and I'm sure he'll have more fun with someone he knows, we live together anyway." Olivia says putting a chip in her mouth.


"I'm guessing you didn't know that."

"What about Momma June?"

Oh shit.

"we had a bad argument, I left, she's been being a bitch for weeks."


"it was like 2 weeks ago..."

"you didn't tell us?!"

"I thought you knew, I was thinking Aria would've told you."

"Aria, huh?"

"She is no longer Mom in my books."
"So its bad huh?"

"Yeah, real bad. Anyway, I have to go do some shopping, see you tonight?"

"We're hosting it, of course you'll see us. Love you!"

"Bye Lorelai, Cya Rory, Love you!!"


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