Title Of Your Sex Tape

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"It sucks. I know it sucks, just tell me it sucks." Rory argues, she has always been passionate about learning, Olivia always admired that about her.

" It's great." Lorelai confesses, her daughter didn't need the validation, although Olivia would never tell Rory this; Olivia was a little bit jealous, she has an amazing mother and is the towns golden girl. She was ahead in school, older than the other sophomores but still praised for being better than the kids who were younger than her. Olivia envied her praise and craved that attention.

"No it's not."

"It's an A." Liv replies, Olivia was never the really smart one, she didn't care much about school. She wasn't going to college so what was the point, she could get by just fine.

"Don't lie." Rory asks,

"A-plus." Lorelai corrects Liv.

"You're my mom."

"Yeah but I'm not your mom,"

"Is anything higher than an A-plus?" Liv questioned, getting up from her seat and moving to the counter.

" Jess, you were supposed to be down here. . . .what the hell is that?" Luke asked. Jess sauntered down wearing a Metallica t-shirt, Liv made a mental note to steal it when he's out.

" What?"

" That."

"That is a shirt."

" A shirt I am going to steal" she confessed. She wasn't going to steal it for the shirt, she was stealing it because she has like no shirts to sleep in and because it looked comfy.

"Change." Luke argued

"what?" Jess questioned the man as he stood in front of him.

"Go upstairs and change your shirt."

"I like this shirt. Liv likes the shirt."

"how can you guys like that shirt?" The diner owner asked.

"it brings out my eyes" Jess teased.

"it does, his eyes really pop with the colour of the shirt." Jess looked up at the smirking girl to his left.

"Hey, part of the deal of you staying here is that you work here, and when you work here you will wear proper work attire, and that is not proper work attire. Now go upstairs and change into something that won't scare the hell out of my customers."

Jess looked towards the young girl and smiled, a quick blush covered both their fresh faces, she returned the smile.

"whatever you say uncle Luke."

"Gross shirt."

" I like it, I am 100% gonna steal it, just you watch,"

"Bad shirt,"

"Good band."

"Great band, great shirt. That's my opinion."

"great band,"

"I feel like I'm getting ignored here

About 3 minutes later, Aria stormed into Lukes with a pissed expression walking straight towards Liv.

"Liv where the hell were you last night, huh? You run off before dinner, I thought you went home but when I got home you weren't there, you didn't come home, at all. I didn't sleep!" Aria yelled

"I-I-I fell asleep at the gazebo, reading."


" No, no someone was with me."

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