This Seems Like A You Problem

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This is just a small chapter, nothing necessary just a filler chapter but its my favourite.

Also do people in new York use cars much? I'm from Australia and I don't care for American information. like at all.

this chapter will just give a little insight into what Luke is thinking and the thoughts running through Jess's mind.


Lukes POV

I don't know what happened with Jess and Olivia and I don't wanna know but Its not happening under my roof, I can not let it happen, I wont. T-they will be separated, if I have to I will share a bed with Jess, actually no I will build a large divider so that they cant ..... canoodle. I will do weekly black light checks of all surfaces including both of them, I need to buy a black light. I will not let these kids fall off the deep end, I won't allow it. I will not let this girl throw her life away on a boy, a boy being Jess. Jess and Olivia need to graduate school and go on to have good jobs, not be teen parents working in the diner for the rest of their lives like me, living with two teenage sex fiends.


The two teenagers seemed to be getting on well in their new kindling romance in the warmth of the tiny shared ex-office. In the words of Luke they are a little far north of "canoodling" because they decided to take it slow after their night at the Dragonfly three days ago. In the span of those three days they have somehow gotten into a kind of satisfying, domestic rhythm, Jess wakes her up everyday with her cuddled into his chest and him stroking her back drawing patterns onto her skin with his fingers, they get up and she showers while he does his hair or the other way around and they walk hand in hand over the road to Stars Hollow Highschool. Even after the day ends Luke seems to regularly find them spooning on the couch or cuddling in bed. Their life was being lived like a old agoraphobic couple in their 60's. inevitably the word got out when Babbete heard Liv and Lorelai's conversation art the Inn, everyone knows including her mother, its surprising she hasn't stormed in and pulled her 'home' yet.


Jess's POV

"Via," I whispered in her ear, she had fallen asleep on my chest yet again. I must admit, seeing her feel safe enough to sleep on or next to me made me feel good, I don't want anyone to think I've gone soft but I would quite literally kill someone for her if it wasn't for laws and shit.

"mhmm?" I heard her mumble, I peered down to see her right-side cheek squished up and her arm snaked around my waist.

"do you want to sleep or can we do something else?"

"what are you thinking?"

"want to watch a movie or the book store has a sale on?"


"sure, grab your stuff I'm driving,"

"You have a car?"

"nothing fancy, I bought it a while ago in new York but never used it, went down there the other day and got it, come on." I said grabbing my jacket off the coat rack and turning to see her standing still and looking down at the clothes laid on her body. A disgruntled look washed on her face .

"I need new clothes." she groaned. In my very biased opinion she looked beautiful. My little flower girl.

"you don't need new clothes, you look perfect."

"I look like I hug trees."

"You look gorgeous, now walk down the stairs and get into the car."

"yes sir!" She joked, saluting me, turning around and tying up her laces on her boots, after a while of fighting with her laces she stood up and walking out the door.

"lets go little soldier, we have books to buy."


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