Motherly Love

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"Jess, how did we end up on the bed?" Liv said sitting up, Jess next to her cuddled into the blanket, he looked peaceful, calm and happy. he started to stir awake and sit up.

"We fell asleep on the couch, so I moved you over here but you looked so comfy and warm that I fell asleep." He admitted, his voice hoarse.

"What time is it?"


"what do you mean, no?"

"I mean, its too early and you should just come back here and go back to sleep."

"how would you know unless you checked the time."

"I'm a magician."

"fine, We can sleep for half an hour but first I need to call my mom."

She liked morning Jess, he was weirdly clingy but not in a bad way. As Via called her mom, Jess just sat there, staring, admiring, her hair still lay gently against her back.

"Mom, I'm fine. I fell asleep, no Luke wasn't here. Jess is here because its his house. No Mom." Via glanced at Jess with an annoyed face "No Mom we did not do it, Believe it or not I don't go around sleeping with everyone I meet."

Jess's face goes red. Olivia notices the boy blushing and suppresses a laugh. " Ok bye Mom, I'll be home later." she hangs up and gets back into bed "Yeah, no I agree its to early, I can't deal with my mother today."


Eventually they got snuggled in, Via reached over and laid her head on his chest.

" Thankyou Jess."

"for what?"

"For being nice to me. for not being weird when I told you about Chuck."

" You don't need to thank me for human decency, and something you couldn't control."

"thankyou, now stop moving your taking all the warm with you," she whined

"sorry! sorry! go to sleep."


Liv walked through the door to find her mom standing in the living room with a somewhat annoyed look on his face.

"I don't like this Jess Kid, he's bad news kid." her mom said

"he's not bad news, mom. He's a sad, lonely, damaged person who needs a friend and I am going to be that friend. He is the first person that isn't rude to me or shame me for something that isn't my fault." Liv explained. Her face burning in anger.

" You know what it IS your fault if you had just kept your fucking legs closed and maybe tried a longer dress every one in a while he would have been able to control himself, so yes YOU ARE IN THE WRONG. Why are you so protective of this boy, Huh? What are you sleeping with him?" She yelled, tears welling in Via's eyes as she took what her mother was screaming. Maybe , maybe she was a slut.. at least she thought so, her mother too.

her mother was expecting answers but was met with silence on her daughters end.

"If you want to keep hoeing around do it under someone else's roof, you can go to hell."

Olivia ran upstairs to her room and gathered the essentials, phone, books, journal, songbook, 2 pairs of clothes and a couple pairs of underwear, having to fit it all into a small bag she ran out the door, slamming it on the way out. running to the only place she knew she could go that was far away from her psycho Mother. So much for motherly love, huh?


"Liv?" It's like 11pm what's going on?"

"Luke, M-Mom kicked me out, can I stay...P-Please." Liv cried, she just needed a place to stay. The safest place for her right now is with Luke. She now has an absent dad and a crackhead mom, what great role models.

"Come up, Jess is up there. Have you eaten?" Luke asked.

"No but I'm not very hungry right now,"

"well I'm going to close up, you go upstairs and sleep, its late."

"thankyou Luke," She said, walking up and hugging him tightly, he rests his chin on her head and smiled.

"its all good, kid."


"Hey Jess." Liv said. He noticed her tired, red, puffy eyes. He noticed her tear stained cheeks and messy hair. Then he noticed that there, standing in his doorway was a girl, tears in her eyes, a small bag in her hand. A girl in need of comfort.

"Via, omg what happened? Are you ok?" All she knew was she needed a hug and comforting.

"Mom kicked me out, Luke's letting me stay. I don't know how that's going to work, but congrats you gained a roommate and I-I just don't know what to do, Jess, I don't know what to do." She started crying, breaking down and falling onto her knees. Jess quickly slid down across the floor and pulled her into a hug, her head on his shoulder, his hand in her hair, her tears on his shirt. "What am I gonna do, Jess?"

"Take my bed, it'll be fine, you can still go to school and Luke can give you a job. You'll be fine." In an attempt to comfort the girl he stood up and pulled her into a tight hug. "Via, Take my bed, you need sleep." He said to Via

"Ok, yeah thanks Jess.... can I steal one of your shirts," Liv said flashing her puppy eyes at the young boy.

"Yes, which one?" He asks

"Your Tool t-shirt."

"ok fine, but I need it back."

" hmm sure you do, I'll think about it." She said grabbing the t-shirt and removing her own. Jess got flustered and turned around.

"Jess we've gone over this before and I think we're past you looking away, its just boobs AND I have a bra on." She giggled, while she was getting changed Jess went and grabbed a bottle of vodka and some shot glasses. "Vodka?"

"you need it, and Luke will be back in a couple hours so for now we can do whatever, he doesn't drink vodka anyway." He said pouring them both a drink. " Liv... why did you get kicked out?"

"My mom asked if I was fucking you and that if I wanted to keep 'hoeing' around I couldn't do it under her roof, so I left."

"I'm sorry."

"no, no it's fine. Bottoms up." Liv said, holding her shot glass up to his and cheers-ing with a clink before downing the vodka and pouring another. " I just need to forget, so vodka is my friend today."

"Well a friend of yours is a friend of mine." Via had shot after shot while Jess only had enough to be slightly tipsy. 

"Hey Jess,"

"yeah via,"

"You're my bestest friend. Did you know that?"

"okay Via but your extremely drunk, lets get you to bed."

"no. no, no, no, I want vodka, vodka is my friend." slurring her speech, all word became a shemozzle of sounds that Jess could make into words

"Vodka has to sleep Via, so do you, vodka will be here when you wake up."

"Fine. But if I cant have vodka, I get you so come cuddle me, Mariano."

"ok Via whatever you want," Jess chuckled, drunk Olivia was cute, and had a weird thing for vodka. Jess hopped into bed and Liv cuddled up to him, arms around his waist and head on his chest. A slight blush crept onto his cheeks, his eyes widened at the strange feeling in his chest... butterflies. 


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xxx - K

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