Stay By My Side - Sana (Part 3) [Mature]

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A/N: Hi everyone! This is the last part of SBMS. Fair warning. There's quite a bit of smut in this so if you do get uncomfortable please just skip it. With that being said, part 3 if Stay By My Side concludes the entire Sana arc! Don't worry, I have more coming your way. Just to hype y'all up abit, here's the list of upcoming arcs i'm planning:

The arcs have no given order so I'll really just write whichever one comes to my head first

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The arcs have no given order so I'll really just write whichever one comes to my head first. I would appreciate it if you left a comment on who you wanna see next! Alright that's enough blabbering. As always, thank you for the support, especially from NotImportantNotAtAll and Triskaideka1324 . If you haven't read their books yet, what the hell are you doing. Love you all and see y'all soon!

~ 愛してる!


You groan as you slowly stir awake. Slowly, you open your eyes and see Sana lying next to you, her eyes open staring straight into your soul.

 Slowly, you open your eyes and see Sana lying next to you, her eyes open staring straight into your soul

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"Morning sleepyhead~" Sana boops your nose and giggles. You smile and brush a stray strand of hair out of her face.

"You woke up early..." You say. Sana smiles warmly.

"I wanted to surprise you~" She coos. You chuckle.

"Well then consider me surprised." Sana's grin becomes even wider.

The two of you lay there for a while, staring into each other's eyes while holding each other close.

However, all good things must come to an end as your moment gets interrupted by your alarm, signifying that you have to get up and go to work.

"Duty calls Sha," You say as you reluctantly get out of bed, leaving the comfort and warmth of Sana.

You follow the regular routine, grabbing your work clothes and heading into the bathroom. You brush your teeth before stepping into the shower.

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