Depend On You - Nayeon (Part 1)

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The shrill yet beautiful sound of the school bell reverberates through the hallways. Signalling the end to the treacherous nightmare know only as high school.

"All right class! Remember to submit your essays to me by this Friday! Anyone who doesn't submit will be punished by writing a couple of extra essays," Your teacher says as everyone busies themselves with packing their bags. You throw all your stuff into your bag and head out. You take a left and walk straight to your locker.

You scroll in the combination and swing it open. You sigh as you grab the books that you need to assist you in your mountain of homework.

"Hi! Are you Myeong Yo-han?" A voice behind you asks. You turn around and see Im Nayeon standing right behind you.

 You turn around and see Im Nayeon standing right behind you

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"Are...Are you talking to me?" You ask as you point at yourself.

"Yup!" She beams back.

"Uhhh...yea I am..."

She smiles widely, revealing her bunny teeth.

"Great! So you're good in literature and math right?" She says.

"Umm...I guess I'm not too bad?" You reply. You were being humble, you knew that you were the top the class in almost every subject.

"That's great! So uh...I was wondering if you know...tutor me?" She asks.

"" You say incredulously. She nods her head.

Im Nayeon. One of the most popular girls in school, wants you to tutor her? You couldn't believe your ears.

Nayeon was apart of a 9 member group that consisted of girls. They were literally the queens of the school. They had the looks, the smarts, hell they had it all. Now one of the girls wants a low-life like you to tutor her?

"Yeap!" Nayeon replies cheerily.

" offence but...may I ask why?" You press.

" seem like a really nice guy, plus you're literally topping the class in all subjects right now, so I figured I could get some help from you!" She replies.

"Oh...okay when do you wanna start?" You ask. Nayeon's eyes light up.

"Is tomorrow okay with you?" She asks. You smile and nod.

"Sounds good."

"Great! Do you need me to bring anything?"

You ponder for a moment.

"Could you bring your test papers?" You say.

"Okay then. Could I get your number so I can text you on where we can meet?" She says.

"Uh...sure? It's ####" You reply. Nayeon takes out her phone and quickly keys in your number.

"Okay. I'll text you later!" She says. She gives you a wave before turning and walking out.

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