Kyoto Protocol - Momo (Part 3) [LSMverse]

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Hello all! I'll keep this A/N short so we can get straight to it. So this is the last part of Kyoto Protocol. It is a pretty long read, 12k words. So buckle yourself up and let's go!

Special thanks to NotImportantNotAtAll for  helping me to write some parts of this .

I groggily opened my eyes. The warm, comfy vibe of my hotel greets me as I sit up from my luxurious bed and grab my phone from my bedside table. 8am. Great, I wasn't late for breakfast.

I stretched out my body and lifted the covers off myself before getting my outfit for today. I take a hot shower, style my hair and brush my teeth before heading out of the bathroom. I had arranged with Someone-san to meet at 9 for breakfast.

I grabbed my keycard before turning on the 'Do Not Disturb' sign and opening the door. I was not sure how to feel when Someone-san was already standing in front of my room door.

"At this point I'm not even gonna fucking ask," I say as I close the heavy wooden door.
"Good morning to you too Momo," he chuckles as he takes his hands out of his pockets.
"How long have you been standing here?"
"About 5 minutes. Come on, let's get out of here so we can grab a seat before it's too late!"

I nod in agreement and hook my arm with his. I feel him tense up just like yesterday and I giggle.

"Okay...babe," I whisper cheekily. I watch as his face goes full red behind his mask.
"Momo...I-I told you to stop calling me that..." he stammers as he tries to shrink away. I keep my arm locked around his, preventing him from escaping.
"Why not? Don't lie, you know you like it~" I continue to tease.

In truth, I think I was enjoying this a lot more than him. He was everything I saw in my dream guy. Smart, handsome, witty. Sure, he was a little nerdy, but it just makes him even cuter. I had a soft spot for nerds.

"I-It's-I-" he struggles to formulate his sentence. I smile and rest my head on his shoulder.
"You could put up with it yesterday, why can't you do it today?" I ask.
"Yesterday was holding hands, but now you're full on cuddling me! You gotta be careful, for all you know some Dispatch journalists may have just followed you here!" He whisper-shouts as he starts to walk me towards the lift lobby.
"I'll take my chances. After all, you're supposed to keep me safe right?" I giggle as I snuggle myself up on his arm. He had begun to relax as we continued to make our way to the lift lobby.
"From danger, like a car as an example, not the media!" He retorts as he calls the lift.
"But still, you'll protect me right?" I say as I look up at him.

He turns to me to say something but stops as we make eye contact with each other. I stare back into his eyes and find myself getting lost in them, as if they were sending me to a second dimension. The ding of the lift brings us back to reality and we quickly step into the lift. I enjoyed that small moment very much.

We walk up to the reception and give them our room numbers. The waiter walks us to a seat for two and we slide in gratefully.

"You go get your food first, I'll wait," he smiles.

I take the offer and stand up immediately to go to the buffet selection. Gosh.Everything here looked so good! I wanna try it all! I went back to the table a few minutes later with my plate filled with different foods.

"Jesus Momo, you got breakfast, lunch and dinner settled on that plate!" He jokes. I blush and slap his arm.
"Hey, a girl's gotta eat!" I defend myself as I pick up my fork.
"Aish...ok, I'm gonna go get my food," he sighs before standing up and heading to the buffet spread.

I happily start munching on an omelette as I wait for him to return. He comes back a few minutes later with a bowl of rice, miso soup and an onsen egg.

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