Game on - Mina (Part 1)

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I sigh as I lean back in the gaming chair. Great, another game lost. I check my phone.


Damn, I've been here for close to an hour. I look up and see that the internet cafe is still relatively empty. I was a regular here. I came so often that the boss even recognises me and knows me by name. I decide to take a break from the screen and walk over to the counter to get cup noodles. I pay for my food and peel open the lid before walking over to the hot water dispenser. I pull on the red tab as the piping hot water enters the cup, cooking the noodles. I stop once the cup is close to full and carefully make my way back to my seat before I plop myself in the comfortable gaming chair and fold my legs in. I set my cup noodles down on the table with the disposable chopsticks acting as a weight and elect to listen to some music while waiting for my food to heat up.

"Hi! Welcome to the internet cafe! How can I help you?" the friendly front desk worker chirps. I turn my head and see that a dark haired girl wearing a blue hoodie and face mask was standing in front of the counter.

"Yeah hi, could I get a 3 hour session please?" the girl asks.

"Sure thing, that would be 53,217 won," the front desk worker says. The girl hands her a credit card and the front desk worker presses a few things on her keyboard.

"All right, just take a seat next to that gentleman over there," the lady at the front desk says, pointing at me. I wave at the girl and she waves back shyly. She slowly makes her way over to the seat next to me and pulls out the seat. She puts her handbag down on the table.

"Hi there! Nice to meet you!" I say with a warm smile. The girl waves back to me like she did earlier.

"Hi..." she replies.

"Mizu Tsuki," I say, presenting my hand to her. She hesitates for a moment before shaking it.

"Dal-mi," she replies.

"Woah, like the character from Start-up?" I ask. The girl nods.

"Yup," she confirms. I chuckle.

"Wow that's cool," I say. My timer rings, signalling that my noodles were ready. I stop the timer and pick up my noodles. I remove the chopsticks from the lid and let the steam escape the cup. I shoot a glance at 'Dal-mi'. Yup, I could tell that she wasn't just any ordinary person. She was Myoui Mina. Those unmistakable set of beautiful eyes and that cute mole on the right of her nose bridge. She's probably here to relax.

The fact that she's using a fake name on herself tells me that she doesn't want to be recognised. I can understand why, idols are always wooed over and it can sometimes get really overwhelming for them, especially a girl like Mina. Their every action is scrutinised by people around the world. Even when they think when they're alone, there's most likely a Dispatch journalist following them around, snapping pictures of them.

I should play along and give her space.


Mina POV

"Hi there! Nice to meet you!" the boy with the glasses says with a warm smile.

"Hi..." I reply. He stretches out his hand to me.

"Mizu Tsuki," he says. I hesitate before shaking his hand.

"Dal-mi," I reply, giving him my fake name. I hated lying, but when your an idol going out when your not supposed to, you've got no choice.

"Woah, like the Start-up character?" he asks. I nod at him.

"Wow that's cool," he says. He opens his mouth to say something else but a timer goes of on his phone. He turns to stop the timer before picking up the cup noodles from the table and eating it. He crosses his legs and picks up the noodles with the chopsticks. He blows on the steaming noodles before putting them into his mouth, eating quietly as he stared absentmindedly just into blank space. I turn to key in the password the front desk gave me.

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