Chapter 1 pt 1

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-Naomasa's Room-

Right in front of me, as I turn over in bed, I see...

(Wh-Why is Mr. Sakura's face next to mine...)

Naomasa: "Zzzzz..."

(A-A-And he's...COMPLETELY NAKED!!!)

Y/N: "Wh-What the hell?"

I can't help whispering to myself, and I blink my eyes repeatedly.

(I must be seeing things...or not! This guys really naked...!)

Suddenly uncertain, I look down at myself.

(Those sweats he lent me...are still on. Which means nothing happened...right? It couldn't have!?)

Y/N: "O-Okay, I just need to calm down..."

But lying here in bed with a naked man in front of me has my heart racing. I try to slip carefully out from under the covers but....

Naomasa: "So cold..."

Y/N: "!?"

An arm reaches around from behind me and pulls me back into the bed.

Y\N: "N-Nooooo!!!"

My scream echoes throughout the room. And the arm holding me goes slack.

Naomasa: "...Shut up."

I turn around, panicked, to see Mr. Sakura looking at me, upset from being woken up.

Y/N: "You're the one who grabbed me! A-And why the hell are you naked?!"

Upon saying this out loud, my earlier fears resurface.

Y/N: "You didn't try anything while I was asleep , did you...?"

Naomasa: "I think maybe you've misunderstood the situation."

Mr. Sakura yawns and sits up in bed.

Naomasa: "Calm down."

Y/N: "Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down...?"

Naomasa: "I'm not the least bit interested."

Y/N: "N-Not the least bit... That's not the point!"

(Is he trying to reassure or insult me...?)

Not quite sure how I feel, I glance at Mr. Sakura, who's still on the bed. His eyes are so cold, I can't read a single emotion in them.

Naomasa: "I didn't have any pyjamas, so I went to bed naked. That's all there is to it."

(Oh...right, I'm wearing his sweats)

Y/N: "Thanks..."

Naomasa: "It's fine."

After another yawn, Mr. Sakura gets out of bed, and walks naked across the room.
My jaw drops as he opens the closet and puts on a shirt, my eyes following his movements.

Naomasa: "...Does your leg hurt?"

Y/N: "My leg...?"

Then I remember that my leg had been injured in the disturbance last night.

Y/N: "No, it's fine."

Naomasa: "..Good"


Naomasa: "The boss has something to tell you later at breakfast. I'll finish dressing and then head downstairs. you should get ready too..."

Y/N: "..."

Naomasa: "What?"

Y/N: "Huh? Oh, nothing!"

Naomasa: "...Hurry up."

Y/N: "Okay...Sorry."

I try not to look, but I can't keep my eyes off his perfectly proportioned body.

(...! No, I shouldn't be staring!)

I snap myself out of it and look away, but I can still hear the rustling of clothing behind me.

(...This is really awkward.)

Just when I think I can't take it anymore ,I hear the door close behind me.

Y/N: "Hey, wait for me...!"

I kick the futon aside in my rush to get ready. My heart is still pounding wildly.

A/n: So I decided to do these in parts from now on because I realised that one chapter would be so many pages, so from now on there will be parts. e.g chapter 3 pt 2

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