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The sounds of fighting had stopped, and it had gone back to the quiet tones of voice, she could tell that Merle and Glenn were talking, but again she couldn't make out what they were saying.

She heard the door to Glenn's room open and close, indicating Merle had given up on him, for now at least, but she knew that meant she or Maggie were next to be interrogated and the footsteps in the hall outside were getting closer. She braced herself as the door swung open.

She didn't give him the satisfaction of even looking up as he walked in the room. "So how about you, girlie?" he asked her. She continued to ignore him, so he stormed over and grabbed her arm with his only hand and shoved her into the chair in the middle of the room. He pulled a roll of duct tape out, securing her to it. "You wanna tell me where I can find my baby brother?" she raised her head, looking him straight in the eyes, but saying nothing. He hesitated, obviously not wanting to hit a girl, but apparently decided his morals could take a hit to get the information he wanted. He slapped her hard across the face and held the knife in place of his other hand up to her throat. She still said nothing, daring him to carry on with her eyes. She wouldn't give up her family, not for anything, she'd rather die, and she was fully aware that could very well be an option.

He moved the knife away and hit her again, two, three times. She felt her lip split and licked the blood away, but only continued to stare into his eyes. He hit her one last time and she felt him cut her cheek this time, a small trickle of blood ran down like a tear. "Have it your way," he told her, "The Governor can deal with you." He ripped a piece of duct tape off and stuck it over her mouth and left the room. She slumped down in the chair as she listened to his footsteps receding.



"How do you know we can trust her?" Oscar asked.

Daryl stood with Rick, Beth, Axel and Oscar as Carol sat on the stairs holding the still unnamed infant. "This is Maggie, Glenn and Jinx we're talking about. Why are we even debatin'?" Beth asked.

"We ain't." Daryl confirmed, "I'll go after 'em." He told Rick.

"Well, this place sounds pretty secure." Rick looked at him, "You can't go alone."

"I'll go." Beth volunteered immediately.

"Me, too." Axel stepped froward, then looked beside him at Oscar.

The bigger man looked towards his friend then back at Rick, "I'm in." he confirmed.

It was decided and they immediately started loading up the cars.



Another door had closed and opened, but she couldn't hear any more after that. She assumed Merle had gone to Maggie's room, or cell, or whatever this place was, but it was obviously further from her than Glenn's was.

She heard the door to the room next to her, where she was sure Glenn was, slam open. "Alrighty," she heard Merle yell and the unmistakable growls of a walker. "I want you to imagine how I felt fightin' my way off that roof. One hand, losing blood, walkers chompin' down at me every step of the way. Last chance. Where's your group?"

She could hear that Glenn didn't respond. "Alright, suit yourself" it was useful that Merle was so loud, she could hear what was happening, "You're a pretty big snack for this fella, but you know what they say, he's gonna be hungry again in an hour!"

She heard the snarls get louder, "Go! Run, boy!" she heard Merle yell and the door beside hers slam shut. She closed her eyes, silently praying to a god she didn't believe in, that Glenn could find a way to save himself. She could hear him yelling and the crashing sounds as he was obviously doing just that and she found herself fighting against the tape and zip ties that held her down, desperate to help her friend.

She heard the growling stop and a moment of silence filled her with dread, unable to do anything. Next, she heard Glenn roar out, but she had no idea if it was in victory, pain or frustration and she continued trying to free herself, even as she felt blood now beginning to run down her hands from where the plastic was cutting into her wrists.

She heard the sound of another door opening and closing but couldn't hear anything else. She guessed that must in fact be where Maggie was being held. Whoever had been in there, she had assumed Merle, but as he'd then thrown the walker in with Glenn it must have been someone else, didn't stay in there for long and she hadn't heard any screaming or yelling. She wasn't sure if she was relieved by that or not, did it mean Maggie had given up the location of their family?

She didn't have to wait long to find out.

The footsteps grew closer to the room she was in, she knew immediately they weren't Merle's they weren't quite heavy enough. She raised her eyes as the door opened and another man walked in. He held a knife in one hand but had no other weapons that she could see. He was dressed smart, and she immediately took a strong dislike to the man. This must be the Governor that Merle had mentioned.

He stepped towards her and cut the duct tape that held her to the chair. "Now, Merle told me, you wouldn't talk," he pulled the tape from her mouth, "but I'm betting he's wrong about that." She just continued to stare at him.

"Stand up." he told her, she ignored him, "Stand up." He repeated himself more forcefully, taking a step towards her. She did as she was told. "Good." He drew the word out long and cut the zip ties that held her wrists together. "Now take off your shirt." He told her. She rubbed her chaffed wrists and then crossed her arms, looking him straight in the eyes the same as she had Merle. "I can ask Merle to start cutting pieces off your friends if you'd prefer?" he asked. She took her shirt off.

He stood there, seemingly appraising her body. "Carry on" he told her, and she shook her head. "Fine. I'll help." He stepped forward and slashed the knife at her ribs, cutting through her bra and the skin beneath. She could immediately feel the blood on her ribs, but the adrenaline kept the pain away. He quickly cut the shoulder strap on the same side and reached out with his spare hand, ripping the fabric away from her. She wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to protect her modesty.

He stepped forward now, holding the knife to her throat. He grabbed the back of her neck and shoved her up against what appeared to be the back of a wardrobe so her back was to him. "Now," he paused, "are you going to tell me what I want to know?" he asked again. She couldn't move to shake her head, so again she said nothing.

He held her there by her neck and she felt the sharp sting of the knife as it cut her lower back and hip, easily slicing through the leggings she wore. Then she heard it clatter away on the other side of the room as she felt him unbuckling his trousers behind her. 

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