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They were going back for Daryl. He'd saved their asses with that cover fire and there was no way they were going to leave him behind. They got Glenn back to the car and Rick tried to leave Jinx and Maggie behind, but neither of them were having any of it. Instead he left the unnamed woman with Glenn.

They made their way back into Woodbury the same way they'd gotten in before. It was easy to tell where everyone was as they could hear the Governor making a speech and they ran towards the sound. "...One of those terrorists, is one of our own." Jinx heard him declare, but after that she had to force herself to tune out his voice, she could feel herself slipping and if she let that happen here, she didn't want to know what would become of her.

They got to some kind of makeshift arena where Daryl was being forced to fight Merle surrounded by walkers, while the people of Woodbury cheered. The two brothers had given up fighting each other and were standing back-to-back trying to fend off the walkers when the trio were finally in position to start firing. Maggie fired the first shots, taking the walkers out using a sniper rifle.

Rick threw in another flashbang as Jinx began firing with the machine gun. She didn't care who she took out anymore, she wanted anyone and everyone from this place dead. Rick shot out the floodlights so the people were scattering in the dark.

She heard Merle's voice calling out to Daryl, "C'mon little brother!" she took a step towards it, freezing as she caught a glimpse of the governor, but then the smoke moved and she lost sight of him. She heard Daryl's voice and it snapped her out of whatever rage she'd been slipping into.

She hadn't even realised she'd run forward into the crowd until she made it back to where Rick was as he called both hers and Daryl's names.

They ran back to the wall where they'd escaped the first time and an argument broke out when Merle tried to tell them how to get out. "You're not going anywhere with us!" Rick yelled at him.

"You really wanna do this now?" Daryl's brother asked him as Merle ducked behind the buses and shoved one of the metal panels out for them to escape. "A little help would be nice!" he called out beating a walker to death with his now knifeless arm. Maggie and Rick both shot a pair of walkers coming towards them. "We ain't got time for this!" Merle yelled, running off to one side.

Daryl looked back at Rick, Maggie and Jinx, "Let's go!" He yelled following his brother. They really didn't have time not to, so they followed.

The sun was rising as they made it back to where the others were waiting with the car. Rick called out Glenn's name as they approached and he and the unnamed woman began jogging towards the group.

"Now we got a problem here, I need you to back up." He told Glenn as they approached, but they'd already spotted Merle before Rick was able to finish his sentence and Glen had drawn his gun and the woman had drawn her sword.

With the adrenaline from the fight wearing off fast, Jinx found herself no longer able to process any kind of emotion. She stood off to the side and observed, indifferent to what was going on around her.

Everyone was yelling over each other and Jinx couldn't really catch a word anyone said. Maggie had joined Glenn and the woman in pointing her gun at Merle, while Daryl and Rick seemed to be defending him.

Jinx walked over to a tree and sat down.

It came out that Andrea was in Woodbury, shacking up with the Governor. Jinx really wanted to care, she just didn't. She watched as Merle didn't seem to know when to shut his mouth, Daryl constantly having to tell him to shut up until Rick eventually knocked him out.

Jinx pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on them, her eyes slowly closing and everything around her faded into silent darkness.

She opened her eyes again slightly as she felt herself being moved, she saw Daryl look down at her and she closed her eyes again, she felt him gently place her in the car and his lips grazed her forehead, but she continued to feign sleep until he closed the door.

She heard the trunk of the car open behind her and Rick said something, but she didn't catch it. "No him, no me. That's all I can say." She heard Daryl tell him, "Take care of yourself, take care of Jinx... Lil' Ass-Kicker, Carl." He paused, "He's one tough kid." Jinx listened to his footsteps fade away and she slowly slipped back into unconsciousness. 

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