Not Exactly Dandy

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"Alex..." I recognized Vanity's hesistant voice automatically. I felt multiple people around me but couldn't see them.

"This may take time, Vanity." A different voice said, someone I didn't know. I force my eyelids open, only to be shocked my a bright white light. I better not be fucking dead, I thought as the light faded and I saw a ceiling. It was white and plain.

"Alex." Mitch smiled audibly. I sat up on my elbows and felt a stinging pain in my ribs and each wrist. I looked down to see a huge bandage around my wrist, and needles sticking out of my wrists in wrong directions. I pulled the needles out and Jax flinched I felt weak, and the usual bodily pain I had come to get used to over the past time I'd been sick. I had to lay back down as I started to feel light headed.

"Where the fuck are we?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"Hospital." Vanity said. "You almost choked to death on your own vomit." The memory returned to me and I remembered how scary not being able to breath was. "Don't worry, I didn't call Alan." Mentally, I sighed a breath of relief.

"Good." I said. "How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Day or two. They had you in some medically induced coma cause they thought your heart might over do itself and explode or something."

"Nice." I said flatly.

"That is impossible." The other voice said. I looked up at him to see him dressed like a doctor - makes sense. "I'm Dr. Lee. But you can call me Mark. How do you feel, Alex?"

"Like shit what about you?"

"How I feel doesnt-"

"I asked you a question is it that hard to answer?"

"I feel fine." He said flatly and I forced a smile in triumph.

"Well, if you're sassing so-called important people you must be better..." Vanity said. "When can we take her home Doc?"

"It could be weeks. A month tops. We still have a bunch of tests to run, and haven't figured out what made you so sick in the first place." Mark said with an exhausted sigh. "Press that button if you need anything." he pointed to a big read button on the bed entitled HELP and walked out of the room.

"Fuck you, Vanity." I growled.

"What the fuck did I do? I saved your life!"

"You should have probably taken me to the hospital a lot earlier than me getting to point of choking on my own throwup."

"You wouldn't let me!" She defended.

"Well you promised Alan. And you broke that promise."

"We're at the hospital are we not?"

"By ambulance doesn't count." I sighed. I looked up and Jax and Mitch staring down at me.

"How ya doin love?" Jax put on his stupid accent. In fifth grade he went to london for a week and when he came home he put on this horrible british accent and tried to tell everyone he was better than them because he talked different. I pushed him into a wall and when he was telling on me, he dropped the accent and everyone laughed at him.

"Shitty. You?"


"Doubt it." I sighed. I felt an overwhelming urge to close my eyes and did so. "My entire body hurts, and I think I'd rather step in front of a bus then feel this way right now, so I'm gonna go to sleep." I decided, and fell asleep.

*Alan's POV*

As I lay in my bunk, I decided to call Alex. I rooted around in the bunk untill I found it in the mess of sheets and blankets, and dialed the number by heart. After no answer, I called a second time. Still no answer. A slight twinge of worry settled in my muscles as I tried Vanity's phone. She answered right away.

"Oh. Hey Alan." She said. "How's tour?"

"Sick." I smiled. "Speaking of sick, is my girlfriend around?" After a long silence, I heard shuffleing on the other end.

"Hello?" Alex said.

"Hey! How are you?"

"Good. How are you?"

"I'm dandy. So did you go to the hospital?"

"Yup. All better now." I smiled.

"I miss you so much..."

"I miss you too..." She sighed. "I actually have to get going. Some friends are over and we were just about to go get lunch."

"Okay." I sighed. "Call me whenever you can. I love you."

"I love you too." She said, and hung up. I put my phone down and sighed. The worry hadn't left, and I worried even more that it wouldn't until I saw Alex and that she was fine and healthy again.

"Alan come on! We're going to get pissed!" Phil called from the door of the bus. I crawled/fell out of my bunk and walked over to him.

"Fuck it. Let's go." And just as Phil had promised, we went to the bar and got drunk.

HEyyyyy guys I know I never to personal things on the end of the chapters but hey I'm all for trying new things. I've been kind of binge writing this story, to the point where my family is worried. I think so far I wrote five chapters the same day as this one. It's become an obsession of mine. Anyways, sorry this is a really short chapter, but I have a lot of really good stuff to get to, and I can't get to them without those sort, shitty, filler chapters in between.

I mean, as far as filler chapters go this was pretty informative - Alex lying to Alan about being better, Alex waking up, Mark being a twat. Just a little side note: Jax and Mitch are supposed to looked like Maxxie and Tony from the TV show Skins. If I remember when I upload this chapter I'll put a picure just for an idea. Anyways, this part made it way longer because I have wild thoughts to myself all the time in the author's note (E.x. 'Wouldn't it be cool as shit to watch everything I've ever written in a movie thing'? and 'I wonder if anyone that reads these stories reads to the end of my authors note.)

I thinks its weird calling this an authors note cause I don't feel like an author but I guess if this counts I am. Anyways, let me know what you all thought about this story. (continuing it is not even a question so don't bother saying about that) and all that fun stuff. Love ya! 

Alan Ashby ~ Partners In Crime. (2015)Where stories live. Discover now