Not The Only Girlfriend

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I yawned loudly as I woke up. I opened my eyes and went to sit up, but knew I would hit my head off the top of the bunk. I sighed as I opened my eyes and remembered Alan was blocking my exit to the bunk. He looked so peaceful when he slept, compared to his usual energetic, bubbley self. I wondered what he dreamed of, but knew I really didn't wanna know. Just then he began to stir, and I layed back down flat in bed to pretend I wasn't watching him sleep. I closed my eyes as he opened his.
"Morning babe." He whispered. I pretended to wake up again and opened my eyes to his smile.
"Morning." I sat up but hunched over so I didn't hit my head. "What's today?"
"Today you get to meet all the other bands. And I can show you around the first venue if you want." Alan smiled.
"That all sounds well and good. But you might want to get out of my way before I push you out." I warned. Alan didn't move.
"Sassy much? Why?"
"I have to pee!!" I shouted. Alan laughed and moved so I could climb over him and get out. My feet touched the cold bus floor and I walked straight into the small bathroom. There was a short toilet, and a sink, and no shower. Great. No shower. I quickly went pee and washed my hands before brushing out my hair. I looked down and saw I was wearing one of Alan's old shirts, and a pair of spandex shorts - just enough to be acceptable. I walked out of the bathroom to see everyone sitting in the front lounge area except Vanity. I sat down next to Alan on the closest side of the booth and he out his arm around me like always.
"No offense," Austin started. "But you might wanna put on some more clothes before we leave." I faked shocked.
"You mean I can't go out like this? I thought booty shorts and a shirt with holes in it would be fine!" Everyone laughed. Just then I heard a loud thump and Vanity walked in rubbing her head. "Was that your head?" I laughed. "Woah, accidental British accent." Vanity sighed.
"Yes to both. What year is it?" She pushed me in closer to Alan and sat beside me, to avoid sitting beside Austin on the other side.
"You didn't sleep that long sweet heart."
"Bite me only I can say 'sweetheart'."
"Bite me only I can say bite me!" I stuck my tongue out at her and she rolled her eyes.
"Alright. Enough of your 'friendly banter'," Alan pur air quotations around the words. "And go get ready. You have fifteen minutes." I hip checked vanity out of the booth and steeped around her to get to the bunks. I opened the curtain of the bunk below mine and Alan's, and picked out a pair of black jeans, and an old ripped up misfits tee. I walked into the back room and closed the door after vanity. We both changed and I started to do my makeup quickly in the full body mirror. I did winged eyeliner, and lots of mascara, before walking back out to the lounge where the guys chatted quietly. I found it odd that Phil, and Aaron never really talked to me, so I made a mental note to eventually strike up a conversation.
"Lets go." Austin sighed loudly. We all walked off the bus and I was for some reason shocked my the hot sun. It was Jo hotter than home, but it was different already. I guess we had been on an air conditioned bus though. Alan took my hand and I followed him and the rest of the guys to a big building. We all walked inside to see people running around frantically, trying to get everything set up for tomorrow. The big opening day.
"Come on." Alan pulled me away from everyone else and I briefly felt bad for leaving Vanity with the guys, but she ran up beside me anyways.
"Where are we going?" I asked. We walked to the outside of a groups of guys and Alan tapped a short one on the shoulder. Vic Fuentes turned around and smirked.
"Hey man!" They both hugged. All the other guys turned around - the rest of Pierce The Veil.
"Its been a while, man." Jaime hugged Alan and when all the other guys did, they stopped at me and Vanity.
"This is my girlfriend, Alex." Alan squeezed my hand in reassurance. Vanity elbowed Alan. "Oh, and he best friend Vanity."
"Nice to meet you." Vic smiles, and hugged me quickly. In surprise, I hugged him back. They all introduced themselves and I nodded in understanding even though I already knew who they were.
"Excited to be on tour?" Jaime asked me and Vanity, as the other guys started talking about something he obviously wasnt interested in.
"Hella." I laughed.
"What does that mean?" He chuckled curiously.
"Like, very. Light travels hella fast in space. You're hella cute." Vanity explained.
"Got it." He nodded. "Actually, Vic's girlfriend Delilah is supposed to be here soon. You won't be the only girlfriend on tour."
"Austin's girlfriend is coming tomorrow." Vanity said quietly.
"I think most are coming. But who knows. Have you guys met any other guys yet?"
"Nope." Vanity popped the p on the end.
"Like everyone else is here you have to meet them." Jaime smiled. "Come in I'll take you." He turned to Alan.
"I'm stealing your girlfriend cool?"
"Sure." Alan said flatly without even paying attention. I rolled my eyes and followed him.

Alan Ashby ~ Partners In Crime. (2015)Where stories live. Discover now