Last Name It.

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"So," ala put his arm around my shoulder and sat down beside me at the booth in the bus. "What do you wanna do with our day off? Just you and me." I smiled.
"I don't know. Is there anything we have to do? Be anywhere at a certain time?"
"Nope. Whole day to ourselves."
"I don't know. Throw some suggestions at me."
"We could, go to the beach, or, go to a club tonight, or go to the movies, or, stay back here and watch a movie, or..."
"All of them sound good. You choose."
"Okay. I chose. Let's go." I grabbed my batman snapback from the table and put it on my head backwards.
"Surprise." Alan smiled and got up. He walked back to the bunks and started pulling stuff out and putting it in my purse. I slid out and laughed.
"What are you doing all day?" I asked Vanity.
"I don't know. I'll probably go see what All Time Low is doing. Hang with Eva."
"Cool." I nodded.
"Let's go." Alan grinned and walked off the bus.
"Later." I said to everyone and followed Alan. "How are we gonna get anywhere I'd we don't have a car though?"
"Everything is within walking distance." He put his arm around me and had my purse over the other shoulder.
"Cute." I leaned my head on his shoulder and we walking in comfortable silence down the main toad until we came to a theater. "Cuter." I laughed and Alan smiled. We walked inside and Alan bought the tickets and snacks while I waited against the side wall. A guy with short brown hair, and massive muscles approached me.
"Hey, pretty lady."
"Ugh, hi."
"What's your name?"
"Alex. What's yours?" I tried to be nice, although he didn't look too friendly.
"Marshall." He nodded quickly. "Come here alone?"
"No actually." I said as Alan walked up.
"Oh. I see how it is." Alan laced his fingers with mine and we walked away.
"What did Steriods want?" He asked curiously and handed me a thing of popcorn and a drink while he rooted around in his pocket for the tickets.
"To know if I came here alone." I sighed. Alan showed the pimple-face teenager the tickets and he waved us through. Alan took the food back.
"Want me to beat him up?" He joked.
"You've beat enough people up for me thanks."
"That truck driver deserved it!"
"Violence is only the answer if you're kinky." I laughed. Alan grabbed my butt quickly but firmly and I laughed. We walked into theater number fourteen and went straight to the back top corner. "What movie is this anyways?"
"The woman in black three." Alan smiled.
"Ugh, you suck." I slid off my varsity jacket and draped it over the raining between us and the entrance to the theater. I looked like quite the white girl, with my Varsity jacket, and snapback, and high waisted shorts. But I didn't care. I sat down and crossed my legs like a child.
"Actually, you do." Alan chuckled ans I hit his shoulder.
"I can't believe you just said that...."
"You've known me for how long?"
"Too long." I teased. The commercials finally finished and when the movie started, Alan took my hand again. I always felt like holding hands was suck a gross cliché, but when someone holds your hand first, its kind of cute. Funny how opinions change like that. How the idea of always touching someone used to make my claustrophobic, but now the idea of not touching Alan made me feel alone. How when I was younger, I hated drinking, and smoking weed and cigarettes, but since I met Alan I'd been ng those things ten times more - but I smoked before I met Alan anyways. All these changes I'd seen were for the better. He made me happier, and less alone. He gave me someone to talk to, or yell at if I needed to. He never held grudges, and always understood that if I was in a bad mood about one thing, I would be in a baf mood about everything. But my bad moods were fewer and farther apart. I saw my best friend more than I did before I met Alan, and I've met so many great people because of him. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and I leaned my head on his shoulder. He made me feel safe, always. He was protective, but still let me have my fun. And for that I was grateful, because when I dared Marco, I wasn't allowed to do anything. I was pretty much his bitch. But I think Alan respected me, and that was always important in any kind of relationship. The movie was sure as hell scary, but I paid little attention to it, and more too my thoughts. By the time it had ended, I was happy to be doing anything with Alan.
"What did you think of it?"
"Oh. Um. It was good." I smiled.
"Does that mean I can take you to scary movies all the time now?" His fingers tangled with mine almost instinctively.
"You can take me where ever."
"Good. Cause I have something else planned."
"What might that be?"
"You'll see." We walked into the sunlight and the brightness shocked out of my daze. We walked and walked, talking about whatever, until Alan stopped at the foot entrance to the beach.
"I didn't bring my bathing suit...." I said.
"Why do you think I've been carrying your purse this whole time?"
"I thought you just wanted to start cross dressing." I joked. Alan pushed my slightly, but it was enough to make me fall on my ass. We both laughed and he helped me up.
"Ow. You know that's the second time you've accidentally beat me in twenty four hours. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, locking myarns to my sides, and kissed my hair.
"I'm sorry baby." He laughed slightly. "Now come on. Let's go change." He ley me go and we walked to the small building of bathrooms. He handed me the bag and waiting against the outside wall while I went in and changed. I put on my plain black bikini and put my clothes on over top, accept for my jacket which I so precisely stuffed into the bag. I ran my fingers through my hair in the mirror and walked back out.
"Come her alone?" Alan pretended to be the guy from the movies by puffing his chest out.
"No, actually. My boyfriend should be here somewhere."
"May I escort you go him?" Alan held out his hand and I took it. We dropped the act when we got on the sand and set up a blanket from my bag. We were about twenty feet from the water, and the beach was loaded with people. All of whom I was praying wouldn't recognize either of us.
"So. Swim first or are yiu gonna do that thing where you lay down and ignore me?"
"Whatever you call it."
"That." I pulled my shirt off, and wriggled out of my short, kicked both aside to the corner of the blanket. The sun was hot, and warmed my skin instantly. I layed down beside Alan and he rolled his eyes.
"I'm gonna make it very hard for you to ignore me." I moved my sunglasses from my head to my eyes and laughed.
"Good luck." Alan layed down beside me, and didnt do anything until a while later. First, he started tracing small circles on my stomach slowly, then down more, until he started sliding the tips of his fingers inside the fabric of my bottoms. I grabbed his wrist and he laughed.
"Ha ha." I said flatly. "We're in public."
"What kind of year is it where a guy can't finger fuck his girlfriend on a beach?"
"A PG one." I laughed. I let his hand go and he started kissing my neck, biting and sucking and leaving marks everywhere. I did my best to ignore him, but it was still very hard.
"Come on. You know you wanna."
"And what would you say if we fucked right now, right on this very beach, and some fan, or magazine stalker, posted pictures everywhere?"
"You think too much." Alan sighed and layed back down. I stood up and looked down at him.
"You don't think enough. Now let's go swim." I started walking to the water when all the sudden I was picked up. I didn't recognize the laughter and I screamed as I was thrown into the water. I struggled to the surface and took a deep breath in. When I looked back to the sand, Jack Barakat and Mike Fuentes were on the ground, laughing their asses off. I wiped my face, thank full I only put on waterproof mascara this morning, and walked back over to them.
"You scared the fuck out of me." I breathed.
"Blame Mike. His idea." Jack stood uo and put his arm around me.
"You're the one that threw her!" Mime laughed. Alan ran over.
"What the fuck just happened?"
"Jack threw me in the water." I pouted.
"Who else is here?" Alan laughed.
"Rest of our bands, plus Eva and Delilah, plus Kellin."
"Fancy." I laughed.
"Come over and sit with us!" Mike suggested. He pointed at everyone else and those that weren't laughing at me, were waving.
"Yeet." Alan and I moved our stuff to beside there's and Eva abd Delilah hugged me.
"So what's up?" I asked, wringing out my hair onto the sand.
"The sky. What were you guys doing before you got here?" Asked Delilah, always curious, reminding me of Cass.
"We went to see the woman in black three."
"Ayd good?" Asked Rian.
"It was alright." I shrugged. Vic was whispering something in Delilah's ear, and it was obvious tgat Mike was glaring at them. It was interesting to see all the group dynamics, and who liked who more than some one. I looked up at Jaime and he gave me a look that said 'don't say anything' and I knew it just have been a sore spot for the group. Brother liking his brothers girlfriend.
"Hey have you guys seen Vanity? Last time I asked she said she was gonna probably be with you?"
"Haven't seen her." Tony Vic shrugged.
"I think she was with a couple of the smaller bands maybe." Zack added.
"Okay." I nodded. She's d enough to take care of herself.
"So, we're all gonna go get pissed tonight. You in?" Asked Alex.
"I just realized we have the same name." I said to him, and everyone laughed."Just last name it like Cerulli does. When we're in the same room, I'll be Cara, and you'll be Gaskarth."
"That works."
"We were planning to go get drunk anyways, so ya." We stayed on the beach until the sun started to go down, and we decided to walk back and get ready to go out.

Alan Ashby ~ Partners In Crime. (2015)Where stories live. Discover now