Chapter 9-The Mission

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Three weeks ago:

Graham came into the room, he slowly walked over to his chair but leaned on it instead of sitting.

"Scott, I have a mission for you" he said.

"There's a criminal organization, their leader is Kylo. That's his name, and he is planning something. Something big, I don't know when, I don't know where. But I need you to go figure it out".

"You want me to join the organization? No! If I do that, I would have to work with them. Who knows what I would be forced to do with them!" I yelled.

"Scott, you're a cop. And I know because of that this seems wrong, but you have to do it".

"Why me though? Why me? I'm one of the lowest ranked officers in this building. Why choose me over anyone else?" I asked.

Graham went quiet, he turned his head to face the small wooden board to his right. The one with all the officers, he walked over and pointed at the picture of Liam.

" You know how he died? He went on the very same mission I'm sending you on. It was all fine at first but then Kylo found out what he was really doing and he killed him" Graham explained.

"What?" I yelled.

I got up from my seat and slammed my fist on his clean white desk.

"Kylo killed him? Ya no crap. What did you think was gonna happen!  Why would you send him there in the first place?" I yelled.

Graham went quiet again, he looked angry for some reason.

"He wanted to go, I should have stopped him, I know. But I don't know what I was thinking". "He wanted to go?" I softly asked.

"Yes, and I know how close you two were. I know what happened to him might happen to you, but I trust you'll make it outta there. Just get the info we need so we can finally stop them, for Liam".

"Alright, I'll go, if Liam did it I will too".

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