If your happy and u know it

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Waluigi was excited and nervouse. It was the first day back to school and his 16th birthday. He was old enough to have a soulmate, he just hoped his soulmate was too. His mother had told him to clap all day to find his soulmate but Waluigi dint want to draw that kind of attention to himself. Especially when his best friend, Wario, hated the idea in general.

"Happy-a Birthday-a!" he turned to see Mario and his soulmaye D.K. by the gate to school. They quickly went back to gobbleing each others faces and ignoreing Waluigi. Still, they remembered.

He saw Wario sat in his usual seat, sniffing his lucky gold coin and eating garlic. Raw garlic, he couldnt stand cooked veggies. No one in class took notice of him as he sat next to Wario - not even Wario. But he expected that.

"Is everyone here? Good." Captain Toad shreiked for the class' attention, ignoring the missing Mario and D.K. (who could clearly be seen getting it on through the window), "Now before I can teach your favourite lesson of Bipedal Biology, we must first wish Waluigi a merry birthday. Stand."

He knew he had to but he still felt akward standing tall on his noodle legs. It was school tradition though: for a haopy 16 birthday and supposed luck for finding your soulmate.

The class grumbled to life. The words of If Youre Happy and you Know it Clap Your Hands hardly recognisable. But their claps echoed through the school. Maybe they really wished the Wah Man (as Wario called him) luck in finding a soulmate or they really didnt want to be seen as his soulmate. He was too nervous to notice if he felt his soulmate clappign.

"Wah, youre lucky, wah, your birthday was in the holiday, wah" Pirple guy whispered to Yellow man as he sat down.
"I thought you liked this soulmates stuff?"
"Wah, i dont think its bullwah like you, wha but that doesnt mean i want to stand up in front of the class, wah."
Wario knew he was serious, the sentence unbroken by wahs told him so. He nooded solemly, if only he could tell him why he didnt want to belive in this soulmate nonsense.

soulmate aus are just so xute and varied,,, i just love them sooo much ❤ 😍 💖 ❣ 💕 💘 ❤ 😍 💖 ❣ 💕 💘 ❤ 😍 💖 ❣ 💕 💘 ❤ 😍 💖 ❣ 💕


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