Be Real With Me

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Tyga's POV

"Where are we going?" she asked for the forth time "Chill just sit back and relax" I said calmly as I gripped the steering wheel tighter. "Your house Michael?" she asked confused "Yeah come on" I said as I helped her out the car.

Mel: So what are we doing here ?

Tyga: We have a lot to talk about and I figured this was a good place quiet with no interruptions.

Mel: *Sighs* That's all fine and everything, but where is my son Michael?

Tyga: With my mom she hadn't seen him in a while and said she would take care of him. So get to talking

Mel: What do you want me to say ?

Tyga: I don't know, um why didn't you ever tell me bout your job?

Melony's POV

"Because I-I was ashamed and scared" I said while playing with my nails "Scared of what?" he questioned licking his lips. I ran my hand through my hair before answering...

Mel: Scared you would judge me... Scared you wouldn't wanna be my friend anymore... Scared you wouldn't look at me the same.

Tyga: Why not just tell me the truth from the beginning?

Mel: I ALWAYS wanted to tell you I just couldn't find the right words and then there was that day you said you hated strippers.. So I just gave up

Tyga: Mel I said strippers that are hoes, your my friend & I know damn well you ain't no hoe

Mel: *Sighs*

Tyga: So you gonna quit right ?

"What?" I said looking at him like he had three heads

Tyga: Quit I want you too quit !

Mel: Michael it is not that easy that's my only source of money and I have a son to raise I can't quit !

Tyga: Well your gonna have too !

Mel: No !

Tyga: Damnit Mel ! Why the fuck not ?

Mel: Because my worlds not perfect like yours I was the screw up that got pregnant and had a child that I have to take care of !

Tyga: I don't like you working there creepy ass dudes be going there and I don't wan then all over

Mel: *Rolls her eyes*

Tyga: So I guess this is my way of letting you know... I love you Melony I always have and I always will you've been there for everything with me all the good times and all he bad times I love you and Jordan like he was mine in the closest thing that little boy knows to a dad and I just want to take care of the both of you.. So what do you say?

Tyga's POV

Her eyes were glossy as I wiped a stare tear away "Why didn't you say anything before?" she said all hoarse "The same reasons you didn't tell me bout your job" I smirked she hit my chest playfully before I pulled her onto my lap I looked down at her and brushed her hair behind her ear. "So what does this make us?" she questioned "I don't know you tell me" I said as if we were in elementary "No you tell me" she said playing along

Tyga: Well your my girl and I'm your man.

Mel: K, I like the sound of that

Tyga: Good cause this thing is a forever thing. So you ready ?

"Yeah" she blushed I kissed her forehead as we sat there on the couch. We eventually went to my room and crashed out. It wasn't that different since me and Mel had slept together millions of time not like sex wise we only had sex twice and let me tell you.... I put in work I was her first and she was mine but that was like 4 years ago and then the other time was a drunken night *smirks* anyways we had slept together millions of time like just SLEEP nothing else but this time it felt right having her cuddled in my arms as she slept silently her faint little snores every now and then my mind started to wander as I thought about how I wanted nothing more than to give this girl and Jordan the world

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