My Lover. My Pet. (boyxboy)

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"OH MY FUCKING GOD do you NOT get it?!  We are T-H-R-O-U-G-H!  Through!  Do you get it?  Through?  Through?  DON'T CALL ME AGAIN YOU STUPID BITCH!"  I slammed my thumb onto the, "end call" button as I ran a hand down my face.  That my dear friends was my slutty, bitchy ex trying to get me back.  As you can see it did not work.  I broke up with her because I caught her in the middle of doing the no-no with one of my assistents at my office and I was bi and I realized I didn't like her.  I went downstairs to get a bottle of water when I heard the doorbell ring.  "YO, you bitch open the door!"  It was my sister, and you could always tell because she always greeted people with an insult.  I was suprised she was even married.  "'I'm coming!"  I shouted from the kitchen.  I walked out and opened the door and let her in.  "Okay, so I know you have been very lonely lately and you need a friend to help you through everything so I decided to help you pick out a cat!  There's a new pet adoption center in town and it's just down the street so yeah a cat..."  While my sister was telling me all this I had dressed and was ready to go, I liked animals and I did feel lonely and I did want a kitty.

About 5 minutes later we stopped in front of a shabby looking store called, "We Have Animals".  I thought it was a pretty original name.  We went in and the owner of the shop came to greet us, "Hullo dare!"  He spoke with a weird accent, "Whut would you like to see in the shawp taday?  We hove cawts and dawgs and fish and burds and othur awnimals."  

"We'd like to see the cats please!"  I replied to the man.  He motioned with his hands to follow him and we did we passed by many animals, cats, dogs, lizards, fish, and some reptiles.  Finally in the back of the store we saw 7 cages with a cat in each one of them.  I looked at all the cats one by one, to me the all looked to normal to boring, until I got to the last cage.  Their was a kitten about the size of my hand, it was pure white, it had pale violet eyes, and it was shaking.  The owner saw me staring at the kitten and said, "Oh you like tis one eh?  It's uh special one indeedy!  Was abused in duh pawst by it's owner.  Vurry special kitten it is, s'name is Tom-Tom."  Without any hesitation I said, "I want to adopt Tom-Tom."  Poor Tom-Tom was so scared he was shaking so badly I wanted to cuddle with him.  The owner grabbed the cage and showed us around the store and we picked up random things and the neccesities that cats needed.  I bought all of the supplies and than I left the store with my sister and Tom-Tom.  "Kitty your going to live with me now.:"  I said with a smile.  When I got home I put the kitten on my bed and showed my sister out the door.  "Thanks a lot sis, I owe you one!"  She smiled and left in her own car to go home.  I came back to see Tom-Tom still shaking and frightened.  "Aaawww don't worry bud I'm not going to hurt you!  Were going to sleep next to eachother all right?  I didn't buy you a bed yet kay?"  I snuggled into the covers and waited for Tom-Tom to go to sleep before I did.

My Lover.  My Pet.  (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now