3rd person POV: Mustafu Park, 12 years before present.Opening scene, 4 year old Izuku Midoriya is blocking Bakugo and his goons from hurting another kid anymore.
"Why are you being so mean? You're making him cry, Kacchan! If you keep on hurting him... Uhh... I'll, uhh...I'll stop you myself!" Izuku yelled out, while frightened.
"You want to pretend to be a hero? You don't stand a chance without a Quirk...Deku." Bakugo sinisterly (is that a word?) stated. Bakugo and his 2 "friends" lunged at Izuku while Izuku, stood scared, but unmoving.
A few minutes later.
Izuku is on the ground in a daze.
"Here's the sad truth...All men are not created equal. When I was four years old, I learnt that some kids have more power than others. But that won't hold me back...If anything, it pushes me to do better." An older Izuku narrates.
Throughout the years Izuku is constantly discriminated against, injured, both mentally and physically without a support system. Teachers, regular adults, students, everyone despises him. All because he wasn't born with a special power he can use.
12 Years Later.We see a 16 year old Izuku Midoriya running through the streets of Musutafu, running to the crowd that has gathered around a large villain.
"That's one huge super-villain!" The present Midoriya exclaimed.
"The first incident was in Keikei City. An extraordinary child was born who radiated light. After that, reports of people with superpowers popped up across the globe. No one knew what was causing these Quirks. Before long, the supernatural
became the totally normal. Dreams are reality. The world became a superhuman society with about 80% of the population
possessing some uncanny ability. Our streets looked like scenes from comic books. A city swirled with chaos and confusion, a new profession dominated
our collective consciousness. It was an age of heroes." Narrates Midoriya.2 heroes show up to the scene, one hero, Backdraft using his water manipulation quirk to separate the civilians from the villain, while another hero, Death arms was catching falling debris. Murmurs are heard from the group if people complaining about being late and that the villain is a villain with a strong quirk. Izuku makes his way to the front of the crowd. Izuku watches the next hero who comes in to assist.
"It's Kamui Woods! He may be new but he's making a big name of himself!" Izuku states excitedly.
"Hahahaha, Why, I look at that dopey grin and I know what you are...A fanboy!" A stranger in the crowd comments to Midoriya.
"Uh...sorta." Izuku says shyly.
"Assault, robbery, and illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic. You are the incarnation of evil!" Kamui Woods yells. Some of the crowd sweat drops.
"There! His special move!/C'mon, Tree Man!" The stranger and Izuku call out.
"The Pre-Emptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison!" Kamui and Izuku yell out at the same time.
"Canyon Cannon!" Suddenly a new and "taller" hero arrives on the scene kicking the large villain, and knocking him out. It's the debut of The Mineyama Hero: Mount Lady. Perverts start taking pictures muttering about, "money shots."
Piece of cake for the world's next hottest hero.
"Hi there everyone, I'm Mount Lady. And you don't have to worry about this bum anymore." The new hero calls out as she sticks her butt out, allowing for more "money shots" to raise her popularity. The crowd cheers while Kamui is exasperated at her debut stating, "She gets all the credit?"

Atlas, The Crimson Dragon Of Hope
FanfictionHighschool DxD crosses with My Hero Academia using the same main character, and no pervert mc. Also, if the title is confusing, look up "hope in japanese" I don't speak the language, so I trust Google more