Door of the apartment:
Rias and Izuku both leave the apartment in silence, as they get to the ground and make their way to Aldera; Izuku tries to make small talk, or, any other communication. "So, um, you said you were a devil, and you killed that other person, does that mean she was something other than a devil?" He asks out of curiosity.
Rias looks at Izuku and Answers, "Yes, she was something else, but devils do fight each other, there have been plenty of civil wars in the human world, its not so much different in the underworld. But let's keep these questions for when we are in a secluded area, okay?" She said.
"Okay, just, is there anything I can know about beforehand that can be talked about in public? It's just difficult being in a situation I have no idea about, and I can't delve into it without attracting enemies, or people think I'm crazy." He suggests.
"Nothing other than, your life will change, and to just wait till lunch, I'll send over someone named Akeno to pick you up." She answers.
"Wait, how will you get me out, I'm not sure how well that will go with me, the teachers and staff, are a bit strict?" He asks, Rias was already aware of his school situation. Strict is certainly a mellow way of saying you get abused daily. She thinks.
"Don't worry, we have that covered. I promise, there won't be any complications on your end or ours." She quickly answers. Vaguely. Izuku is slightly worried, but he needs answers, and it feels like they can easily over power him, more than anyone he has ever met. "O-okay, I trust y-you." He gives a nervous smile while she gives a sweet smile back. They continue their walk in silence not knowing walk to talk about. (Koneko is the same age as Izuku while Rias and Akeno are both older, but like regular colleges, they wait a year so they can join UA at the same year, sorry, just a thought thought had concerned me).
They make it to the front of Aldera, and everyone is now looking over at the Quirkless deku is with someone so, perfect. Rias goes infront of izuku and says, " Alright, I'll see you later after the retrieval, okay?" She hugs him infront of everyone, while Izuku immediately turns as Crimson as her hair.
"Y-y-yeah b-b-b-bye R-r-rias." He waves shyly. She giggles and starts walking away.
"Izuku immediately tries to get inside of school fast, while keeping his head low. But the rumors were already spreading, mostly people being jealous of him, or he is blackmailing her. Very few people are genuinely proud of him. But no one confronts him about it. He makes it to Homeroom and takes his seat with no words spoken. Bakugo suddenly walks in the room, and immediately makes his way to Izuku. He picks up Izuku by his collar and has his hand open, inches away from his face.
"OI, WHATS THIS NEWS ABOUT YOU GETTING A BITCH, TELL ME YOU DAMN DEKU!" He yells angerly, cause there's no way the quirkess deku can get a girl, and definitely not before him, there's something fishy going on.
"N-n-n-no K-k-kaachan, w-w-w-we a-a-aren't d-d-dating. S-s-she w-was j-just a f-friend I m-met a-a-at the p-park d-d-during t-t-the weekend. C-class i-is a-about t-to s-s-start K-k-kaachan." Izuku says, pleading that he notices the bell is about to ring, and can leave him alone. Bakugou sees the clock.
"Tch, damn deku, just know this doesn't make you better than me. You're just a pebble on the side of the road, you got that." Izuku starts nodding furiously. Izuku also started noticing his ear is slightly itchy, but just passes it off as nothing that needs to be focused on.
The first half of the day passes with nothing other than the quiet rumors and the normal disapproving comments from teachers and students. Then lunch came and he skipped getting his meal and ran straight to the roof to await for this "Akeno" person.

Atlas, The Crimson Dragon Of Hope
FanfictionHighschool DxD crosses with My Hero Academia using the same main character, and no pervert mc. Also, if the title is confusing, look up "hope in japanese" I don't speak the language, so I trust Google more