Suoh's apartment after attack.
They arrive in his living room and Rias immediately starts giving orders.
"I'll start giving him the usual healing treatment. Akeno, send out one of your familiars to look for Asia, just to be safe. Kiba, start preparing dinner, were staying here tonight until he's awake. Koneko, your on proper first aid treatment with me. Everything clear?" Rias demands.
"Yes Rias." The servents responded.
A few hours later.
Everything has settled down for now, dinner was made, a familiar is now watching over Asia, and Izuku is getting healed by Rias.
"What's the status on Asia?" Koneko asks.
"Currently she is safe in an abandoned house, I sent multiple familiars to scout the house and any surrounding area, there isn't a fallen angel in sight. I think it would do us some good to get in contact with her, she clearly isn't against us and didnt approve of that crazy priests ideals." Akeno replies.
"As long as she is safe, I'd prefer her doing the healing anyways. It doesn't take so long by the sounding of her gear." Koneko justifies. And I'd rather not have Izuku constantly be seduced by that busty devil any longer.
That's right, it's an early (somewhat) harem. Normally I'd let them drag out longer, but for plot convenience I must.
"Yeah, she could be a great asset to the group. Of course it's still illogical to ask a Nun to become a devil, but one could hope. Aside from her abilities she appears to have a very kind and giving nature, she screams innocence, a delight to have around." Kiba thinks outloud.
"Well, let's hope she doesn't get caught, no matter our feelings, her safety will always take priority." Akeno responds.
They continue to talk about various subjects for the night, thinking it'll be safer to stay in for now. Let's go a couple of hours and back to our green bean of a protagonist.
A few hours later in Izuku's room.
Izuku starts to wake up slowly, vision blurred from the heavy sleep he took. When he regains focus, his mind immediately goes to Asia, he was about to go and find her, only to feel a couple of arms wrapped around his stomach. He turns around to see a naked Rias latched onto him. And to look down to see he is completely nude as well.
Screaming in his mind he tried to get any clothes within his reach, now settling for laying on his back covering his crotch, and definitely not freaking out over the close contact he is currently having.
After a few minutes he calms down and assess the situation. He was probably just in a healing session, as he woke up naked like last time this happened. Rias healed him, and now is stuck awake with a nude Rias clinging to him very tightly. All in all he still wants to freak out. Soon Rias starts to wake up, but he hardly notices it, she is laying in the same position, just with her eyes slightly open. She sees him thinking but covering up his manhood and gets a devilish idea. She closes her eyes and starts to hold him at about his waist. And hugs him tightly. He stuck partly uncovering his crotch area since her body is getting in the way of one of his arms. He starts praying that she wakes up soon and let's go.
Izuku forgets that he can't pray anymore and gets a spike of pain to his head, he clutches it waiting for it to go away. He didn't think about the fact he was exposing his manhood to a very sneaky Rias. And Rias wasn't expecting this either, she starts to tease him a bit.
"Ara Ara, you want to have fun that bad huh? Well all you had to do was ask." Rias says in a sultry voice, Izuku feels overwhelmed at her teasing and promptly passes out, as you do.

Atlas, The Crimson Dragon Of Hope
FanfictionHighschool DxD crosses with My Hero Academia using the same main character, and no pervert mc. Also, if the title is confusing, look up "hope in japanese" I don't speak the language, so I trust Google more