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It was the next morning, 10:31am, Taehyung had just opened his brown eyes.

He grabbed his phone, looking at the multiple notifications that popped up.

Uni Party next week!!!

Pregnancy update👨‍🍼
You're baby is the size of a mango!!

Soobin is so calm, I got him down early. Goodnight bear.

I'be bought the cutest outfit ever!! for the new little one.

Candy crush
3 others invited you to play CANDY CRUSH SAGA

After checking most of the messages he received, he sighed and rolled back into his bed.

What if he made it more meaningful and made a dinner for Jungkook— and not just some restaurant food.

So he did that.

He rose up, rubbing his eyes and putting on his slippers. He felt a little sick, but he's only thrown up a few times.

"Lemme see what I have." He spoke, looking in the cupboards.

"Nothing, as usual!" Taehyung huffed, slamming the cupboards shut.

He figured it was time to go shopping, not just for the dinner tonight— but just to stock up the house.

Running into his bathroom, it felt so refreshing now that Soobin wasn't in the house. He really needed this break once in a while.

Singing his favourite, he spent around ten minutes in that shower until his feet got tired.

He dressed in a jet black top, black leggings and white air forces. He also had a long, brig jacket just in case he felt too exposed.

After struggling to put on his shoes, he grabbed his bag, phone and sunglasses.

The time was now 12:42pm and he was in the car.

Taehyung arrived home from his shop earlier (as the time was now 5:25pm) coming in to stock the house and clean Soobins room since he left it in an utter mess.

He texted Jungkook about the plan change, he had no problem with it. So Taehyung made sure the house was clean and presentable.

He put on the humidifier, with a nice coconut&vanilla scent, it filled the room almost instantly.

He decided to start on the dinner, which was going to be, Galbi (ribs) with a light soup, white rice and kimchi on the side— as always.

It was a nice dish, Taehyung enjoyed eating it and as he thought of the dishes to make this one really appealed to him and he started craving it.

So he blasted music and start cooking.

It was around 6:20pm, Jungkook was supposed to be here in ten minutes.

Taehyung set the table so nicely, it looked legit.

Taehyung put on the best outfit he could to try and hide it but when it was time to reveal, he'd look so cute.

Taehyung put on the best outfit he could to try and hide it but when it was time to reveal, he'd look so cute

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This cute, grey jumper, with a long, grey skirt that rest at the top of his belly.

*ding dong*

"Oop," Taehyung sounded.

He opened the door, seeing Jungkook there with a box of chocolates and champagne.

"Hey babe," Taehyung stood on his toes hugging the taller.

"Hey baby, you look beautiful." Jungkook pecked his lips.

"Thank you," I hummed.

"Have a seat." Taehyung suggested, pulling out the chair for Jungkook.

"Thank you." Jungkook chuckled nervously.

"I'll bring the food out, I also didn't do much for dessert so shop-bought cheesecake it is!" Taehyung smiled, making Jungkook melt, Taehyung was so cute and petit.

Jungkook didn't even look at his stomach or his lower body, only when he turned around— but that was not the point.

"Here we go," Taehyung placed the plate on the table, "Enjoy." He placed a kiss on Jungkooks cheek.

He tried to get him in a good, peaceful mood before spilling the news.

He made a gift bag, making it seem like a present, he packed a toy, as it's first clue, then a baby sock, then his two pregnancy tests wrapped in a baby vest.

"Mhmm, fuck, baby this is good." Jungkook exclaimed, humming in pleasure.

"Glad you like it." Taehyung said politely before shoving the food down his throat.

"So what was it that you wanted to tell me?" Jungkook wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"I'll tell you later, once we finish." Taehyung said in a shaky voice, he was almost frightened.

Taehyung put on his soft playlist, that played all the songs that made him feel nostalgic.

"Jungkook, we've had a rough past." Taehyung started, smiling and chuckling.

"We have a child together, a blessing. We're happy when we're around each other, i feel so elated when I'm around you." Taehyung spoke making, Jungkook smile.

"And because of that I'd like to ask you to be my boyfriend again." Taehyung smiled, the eye contact between the two was unbreakable.

"Are you kidding?" Jungkooks tone didn't match his soft facial expression.

"Huh?" Taehyung sounded.

"Of course id be your boyfriend, this is amazing. I can change my status on Facebook!" Jungkook smiled laughing, his eyes vibrant and he just seemed so happy.

So Taehyung was happy too. His reaction made Taehyung feel more comfortable to give him the gift bag.

"Jungkook, I love you, Soobin loves you." Taehyung started.

"I love you guys more."

"But we won't be the only ones loving you, there will be another one to love you pretty soon." Taehyung explained, putting the gift bag on the table.

"Open it kook." Taehyung ushered him.


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