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"My throat." Taehyung groaned rolling off the bed. He groaned louder once he hit the floor.

Since Taehyung recently had a c-section, sex wasn't an option at all. So they stuck to oral throughout the night and Taehyung was sure he couldn't even drink water.

Jungkook woke up due to the heavy bang and squeaky winging that came from his boyfriend. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, before reacting to the situation.

"Baby?" He asked, looking around.

"Down here!" Taehyung exclaimed, Jungkook peeked over the edge to see a smiling Taehyung.

"My throat hurts so much," Taehyung spoke and Jungkook smirked.

"Hey! No sex." Jungkook shrugged and Taehyung rolled his eyes, struggling as his got up.

"I wonder how Soobin and Haneul are doing?" Taehyung, walked into the bathroom, picking up a toothbrush.

"Haneul is probably sleeping and Binnie is watching paw patrol." Jungkook predicted with a smile, it was what his children did most.

"So what's happening today?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook sighed.

"Sadly, at around 5am, I got a call from my company and we'll have to cut the getaway short." Jungkook said painfully, Taehyung pouted as his look saddened.

"Baby, really..," Taehyung whined, dragging out his words as he returned to straddle Jungkook.

Jungkook looked defeated as Taehyung gave him a sweet, pouty look, that was way to cute.

He rested his hands on Taehyung's waist, kissing him.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. But this is a huge deal, baby, this is a big step for the company." Jungkook spoke rubbing Taehyungs back who hummed but still had a noticeable pout on his face.

"It's okay kook, I miss our children anyways." Taehyung said, finding the positive in the situation.

"Great, we'll leave as soon as we can." Jungkook tapped Taehyung's right butt cheek and he hopped off.

He thought Taehyung would make a big deal out of the situation but he was wrong and the nervous feeling he had, vanished. He started packing away.

Taehyung noticed what Jungkook was doing, he sighed but proceeded to tidy the vanity and collect their belongings.

"Can we get Starbies on the way back, I'm craving a banana bread." Taehyung asked, Jungkook nodded, whatever it took to get out of the place quicker. His meeting was scheduled for three and it was already eleven a.m, he still had time but he was panicking.

Around an hour later, they had packed their bags once again just like the did a few days ago. The trip was short, but it was worth it. It was memorable, they both made so many memories in the 24 hours they spent together. Although they wished they could spend more time there and together, but it was unfortunate that just they couldn't.

"You ready bear?" Jungkook asked, carrying the bags out side of the room.

Taehyhng returned the key to the reception and thanked them on behalf of him and Jungkook as Jungkook was loading the car.

They bid him a safe journey and he left the lobby, walking through the doors to see a muscly Jungkook lifting bags.

"Cheer up babe, I'll bring you back. I promise." He planted a kiss on Taehyungs forehead and then lips when he realised his expression didn't change.

"Let's get you home," He added, jumping into the car.

They started their drive and they were forty minutes from home.

"So what's the big company deal?" Taehyung broke the small silence, Jungkook licked his lips.

"I wanted to keep it a secret, but since you asked-" A smile creeped up Jungkooks face.

"I mentioned to my team that you're really good at makeup and beauty, so in honour of you- we're eventually going to open a makeup and beauty section." Jungkook mentioned, Taehyungs eyes lit up.

"Oh my gosh Jungkook, really?" He asked shocked even though he was so elated.

Jungkook nodded, happy that his boyfriend was excited with the idea.

"I really want you to direct this portion of the company." He also added, making a right turn.

"I would love too kook, I can't believe this." Taehyung exclaimed, looking out of the window with a bright smile.

Jungkook knew Taehyung would love this as he was so passionate about makeup and beauty, he wanted to keep it a surprise. But now Taehyung knows and it happy to direct that section.

"You know, to be the president of a Jeon corporation, you have to be a Jeon." Jungkook teased, making Taehyung go red.

"So when are you popping the question?" Taehyung asked, they both met eyes and looked into each others souls for a few seconds, until they broke out laughing.

"Soon bear, I will." Jungkook chuckled as he turned into their drive.

They arrived home safely and happily, ready to start a new chapter.


Book 2 is coming!

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