The king is back 2😏

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V: I told u both to be quiet. (Looking at riddhima) Now all those who have dared to betray VR will pay(with rage) Each and every person.(moist eyes) And it will start with those who tried to harm my Sweetheart
A, I: Bhai...
V: How can u both think tht I ll harm her even after learning the truth. Now u both leave. I want to spend time with my wife.

Angre and ishani had happy tears in their eyes. They went from there.

V(crying): Sweetheart how could u do this with me? Did u think so cheap(choking on his voice)about me that u felt I will leave u or will hate u after knowing about the truth. First time in my life I m feeling shame of my ownself. I always say that Vansh Raisinghania ke paas baaz ki nazar hai uske aankhon se kuch nhi chuptha. But then also I wasn't able to see ur pain. I believed in the words of Kabir and left u all alone. Thanks to Angre and Ishani that I learnt the truth or else even I don't know what I would have done with u. I m sorry sweetheart for all that u went through. Sorry to hide my reality and to come as Vihaan but it is necessary or they will harm u and our family. I thought to reveal u the truth after seeing ur condition but doctor has clearly forbidden me from doing so.

Flashback 1

V: Dr she doesn't know something. If she learns abt it she will be happy. She was stressed due to that. So can I tell her...
Dr: No Mr. Raisinghania. Don't even think about it. She is very depressed. In this stage even surprises can give shock to her. And this can lead to some mental problems. She can lose her memory or the worse she can lose her mental balance. It's better u don't disclose anything now. Let her be better and go with the flow. And yes Nr Raisinghania she will take time to wake up as the antidote I have given causes drowsiness. So she will be in great slumber for 8-12 hours as the dose was high.
V:Ok Dr.

Flashback ends

V: I can't take risk with ur health riddhima. So I need to hide this from u. I know u ll fight with me, u may even ignore me after finding out the truth but I m ready to bear all this but I can't let anything happen to u. U know u r just like a sister to Angre. He was not at all ready to believe that u betrayed me. I ll always be debted to Angre for this.

Flashback 2

Vansh was saved by Angre as he had sent the latter a sos.
In a hideout near the cliff.
V(rage) : I want all the footage from the day riddhima entered VR mansion. I also want each and every detail of riddhima's past. Riddhima has to pay for her betrayal
A: Bhai sorry to say this but u r trusting ur enemy over ur wife. I know that we had doubt whether bhabhi is a spy or not. But bhai she can never do this as she has always taken care of everyone as her own family, loved them, even solved problems between u and aryan. And most importantly she loves u a lot. She can never ever think abt harming u.
V(shouting) : No she doesn't love me. If she did then she would have confessed her love to me but she never did. Leave it  Angre. Just do what I say. And set up a camera with microphone in riddhima's room. I need to see what will she do in her room.
A: Ok boss. But boss even u have never confessed to bhabhi that u love her. Just like u have trust issues she may have some other problem. Something that forced her not to reveal her feelings to u. Think about it boss. U have finally got a person who loves u to pieces. Don't take a step in haste that at end will only cause regret and destruction. Bcoz if u r wrong then u ll die each and evey second in guilt.
Angre leaves from there. Vansh thinks abt wht angre said.
V(thinks) : Is Angre right? Does she actually love me? What if she has some genuine reasons to not confess her love. Even I didn't confess that doesn't mean I don't love her. Angre is right.(tears in his eyes) Even I have seen care and love in her eyes for me and my family. I have seen the fear in her eyes when I ate the poisoned watermelon.(smiling like a mad person) : She loves me... She loves me.. Yes.. Yess.. I.. I need to learn the truth.i can't trust that Kabir. He hates me to core. His dream is to break me. Thts the reason he is bringing my wife between us. (Mad glint) Even if she has betrayed me I will punish her but I won't let her go away from me. She is destined to be mine. She is my sweetheart, my wife. I need to look into all this and find the truth. Now I can't trust anyone I need to be careful. It's sure that other than riddhima someone from the family is helping Kabir.

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