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Holla guys...

So this is a very important announcement...

I m having my boards from 28 march till 10 April.... So I won't be posting any chs... All my book will be on hold...

Both my os book will be ON HOLD from today....

And abt my book SHE IS MY UMM.. PA tht book will be on hold after one more ch... Tht is ch 21...

I will post one more ch and after tht I ll keep tht book on hold...

The next ch... i.e. Ch 21 will be very lengthy... It will be around 5000 words....

So i may need time... If till the completion of target I have written it then I ll post it... Or else I will post it as soon as the ch is written....

Hope so u have no queries.... And if u have any query then u can ask me....

And once i m back i ll give equal attention to both my os books.... and will keep posting....

Signing off
Ash 😘

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