Kakyoin x Reader

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Kakyoin x Reader (if I could tell her)

You were in your dorm with your new roommate, he was friends with your brother when he moved away with your father. Your parents were divorce, it was hard for you but mostly your brother. Your brother loved you and he knows he will miss you.

You were his only friend, now he's gone. He died from cancer.

︎❣︎ 𝕂𝕒𝕜𝕪𝕠𝕚𝕟 ℙ𝕆𝕍 ❣︎

I got out of the shower and wore a normal shirt with short pants, I closed the door to my room and laid in my room and looked through my phone. An hour later I smell pancakes and cupcakes, it smelled so good I got out of my room. I saw her cooking pancakes and there were cupcakes with cherries on them "your here take a seat" she said. "Wow, cherries there my favourite!" I said.

I sat down and she giggled "I figured, you can eat all the cherries if you want," she said, I started eating them and she sat down next to me and ate her pancakes. I finished eating the cupcakes and are my pancakes as well.

We both finished and sat on the couch.

"Umm did my brother ever said anything about me..." She asked I was a bit shocked but I answered "uh he thought you were awesome," I said, "he thought I was awesome? My brother?" She said with a chuckle. "Definitely!" I said, "how??" She said in an unsure tone.

I looked at her and smiled "well... He said. There's nothing like your smile... Sort of subtle and perfect and... Real" her face lit up "He said you never knew how wonderful that smile could make someone feel..." I smiled softly. "And he knew! Whenever you get bored... You scribble stars on the cuff of your jeans" I said, her face shot red from embarrassment "and he noticed... That you still fill out the quizzes that they put in those teen magazines.." She chuckled.

"But he kept it all inside his head what he saw was left unsaid..." Maxwell "And though he wanted to... He couldn't talk to you he couldn't find the way! But he would always stay" But really imagine if.. "I could tell her! Tell her everything I see! If I could tell her how she's everything to me... But we're a million worlds apart... And I don't know how I would even start..." I said her face turn into a frown.

"If I could tell her... If I could tell her..." I said, "umm did he say anything else?" I was shocked "umm about you?" I asked "oh um you know what never mind, I don't really care anyways-" she said "no, no, no just, no, no he said err, he said so many things im just trying to remember the best ones! So um.." I start to think.

"Oh um, he thought... You looked really pretty, errm. It looked pretty cool when you put indigo streaks in your hair" I said she giggled "he did?" She said smiling again "and he wondered how you learned to dance like all the rest of the world isn't there.." I said looking up into the ceiling.

Dude if she joined the talent show she would leave those girls in the dust, he giggled. "But he kept it all... Inside his head, what he saw was left unsaid" I said. "If I could tell her! Tell her everything I see if I could tell her! How she's everything to me!" "But we're a million worlds apart" she chimed in "and I don't know how I would even start..." I said.

Holding her hand in mines, "if I could tell her..." I said, "But what do you do when there's this great divide?" I said, "He just seemed so far away!" She said. "And what do you do when the distance is too wide?" I said "it's like I don't know anything," she said. Our faces were inches away from each other.

"And how do you say... I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you..." I smiled "but we're a million worlds apart and I don't know how I would even start... If could tell her... If could." I said, I wiped the tear off her face. "I'm sorry..." she mumbled pulling away from my hands. "No, it's fine you miss him and I miss him too," I said reassuring her.



The song is "If I could tell her" from the musical Dear Evan Hansen

Anywho I hope you like it!


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