Lisa Lisa x Reader

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Lisa Lisa x Reader Do it for her
(Son Name : S/N)
(Sons friend name: S/F/N)

Lisa Lisa was an instructor, she was close friends with Y/N and had a crush on her. But Lisa Lisa never had the chance to tell her how she feels towards Y/N, and so Y/N got married. Had a son and died, her son has a friend who wants to learn how to fight.

S/N is a Hamon user but this girl isn't, it brings back memories of how Lisa Lisa would practice Hamon while Y/N watch. Her smile would always appear when she did something cool in front of Y/N.

Now today is the day of S/F/N first training.

"All right, everything begins with your stance," I said to S/F/N, "Ok Lisa Lisa" she answered. "Remember, you do it for him and you would do it again!" Walking to my side of the battlegrounds. "You do it for her- that is to say you'll do it for him," I said, the words slip through.

I try and shake it off and keep my focus "Keep your stance wide, keep your body lowered, as your moving forward, balance is the key, right foot left foot" I said as she follows my stance, our swords crashing into each other. "Now go even faster!" I shout, we both picked up the paste.

"And as your moving backwards," I say having my sword on hers to not let her move but backwards. "Keep your eyes on me," I said to her, taking my sword off from hers. "Now repeat what I've told you, my friend will help you practise," I told her.

"Keep my stance wide..." S/F/N "good" I answer. As she positions herself "keep my body lowered" she said "right" I answer. "As im moving forward..." She said, "concrete. Don't you want him to live?" I said to S/F/N, "Right foot... Left foot..." She said "yes, but put your whole body into it!" I shout.

"Everything you have, everything you are you've to have to give," I say remembering "those days". "On the battlefield when everything is chaos," I said taking a photo of Y/N from my wallet "and you have nothing but the way you feel, your strategy and your sword," I said tears built up inside of me.

But of course, no one could see that you just think about the life you'll have together after the war" I said smiling softly, putting back the picture inside my wallet. Approaching S/F/N "You do it for her, that is to say, you do it for him," I said, "that's it for today you can go home now," I said leaving the place.

To be continue>>


Anywho I lost motivation because I have a school project and I answered it all but when I left my group didn't finish writing it all and didn't screenshot it and just ended the meeting

The thing is I wrote the answers on the meeting chat- so I have to redo it all thx :D

Anywho have a great day thx for reading


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