Dio x Reader

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(Giorno is your child and has no mom and lives with dio [for now] AU )

*Yes it is before part 3

You and Dio were married for three years, you met him when you were on a midnight walk. Ever since then you fell in love with him, now you're pregnant with his son. But you don't know how to tell him how there's a chance you might die if you gave birth to his child.

So you decide to make a letter for him, now he's in your room moarning and reading the letter you gave him.

☠︎︎ 𝔻𝕀𝕆 ℙ𝕆𝕍 ☠︎︎

I sat down on her desk crying holding the note she wrote for me, I haven't read it. I was too scared to read it, knowing her each word can make me miss her more and more. Why Y/N? Why didn't you tell me? Why?

I slowly wipe the tears off my face, taking the note in my hand and opening it. My heart started to beat faster and faster, it all started when I just wanted to find food. Now it's me crying reading the note Y/N wrote before giving birth to our son Giorno.

I sighed and mustered all my courage, I start reading the note.

You've got a good heart
But I know it changes
A restless tide, untamable

I read the few words on it, as my heart started to feel my pain in loss of Y/N.

You came my way, and I knew a storm could come too
You'd lift me high, or let me fall

My heartache did Y/N think I would ever hurt her?

But I took your hand, promised I'd withstand
Any blaze you blew my way
'Cause something inside, it solidified
And I knew I'd always stay
You can build me up, you can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable

It broke my heart reading those words "You can tear me down". My eyes felt watery again as I continue.

You can do your best, but I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakeable
When the fire's burnt
When the wind has blown
When the water's dried, you'll still find stone
My heart of stone

My mind started to think of times where my servents bring girls to my room, as I use them for pleasure and food. My heart cracked knowing all this time I've never considered how she would feel.

You say we're perfect
A perfect family
You hold us close, for the world to see
And when I say you're the only one I've ever loved
I mean those words truthfully

As my heart felt heavier, the fact I have hurt her feelings. While unlike her I wasn't loyal, I calmed myself down and continue.

But I know
Without my son your love could disappear
I know it isn't fair, but I don't care
'Cause my love, will still be here

My eyes widen, Y/N thought I wouldn't love her? How? My tears fell down to my cheeks again.

You can build me up, you can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
You can do your best, but I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakeable
When the fire's burnt
The wind has blown
The water's dried, you'll still find stone
My heart of stone

Soon I'll have to go
I'll never see him grow

My heart broke reading those words, she has always liked children. That's why before we met she was a babysitter. She sacrificed herself for our son, for me.

But I hope my son will know
He'll never be alone
'Cause like a river runs dry

I cried harder, the thought I would be happy for my son. But now it ends up being more hurtful than joyful.

And leaves its scars behind
I'll be by your side

'Cause my love
Is set in stone

My heart shattered, her words made me fill up with tears of pain. I punch the wall in front of me, making my hand bleed. Tears ran down my face, I miss her so much.

Can't break me!
You'll still find stone
My heart of stone

~Your dearest Y/N to my beloved husband DIO.

And that's when the straw broke the camels back, I broke down crying and screaming. I lost her because I failed to make her happy, I failed to be a husband, and now I might fail as a father as well.

I decided to let my son be adopted to have a normal family, and I hope Y/N could see her son grow with a normal family. Even if it's not what she wanted it's the best for Giorno and I so I don't need to remember my loss in pain.


It's funny cus I don't simp for him yet I cried making this ._.

Also, im not crying because I can't see the musical. You are!

Anywho thanks for reading!


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