Caesar x Reader (Male)

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Caeser x Reader (Bubble Pop Electric)


Pray for me im doing this with 15% battery :")

Btw the story is a bit long on this one soo ama use 🎶 this emoji to tell you when the song starts

Tonight will be a special night I was going to go to a party, but not just any party it's a normal party. It's nothing special just a gathering for old friends. But it meant a lot to both me and Caesar, we haven't had a normal party in a long time.

The parties we go were mostly because Lisa Lisa was invited and she wanted to help us meet important people.

Even though Caesar has dated many women, giving off the vibe that he is definitely attracted to girls, not boys. I can't help but blush anytime he "jokingly" gives me roses, it was just playful flirting right? He didn't like me back, right? But even so, there was something in the back of my mind telling me to tell him how I feel.

Here we are, my friends helped me so I could confess to him. They said to just me be me and breath, don't forget to breathe. Thank you friends that really helps.

As I got ready I waited for caesar to pick me up, I was really nervous. How could I not be? It's Caesar we're talking about here. I knew what I was getting myself into and I have excepted that I will most likely fail. But it doesn't hurt to try right? I start to panic.

Gosh, what happens if I ruin our friendship because of it! I start to regret everything, I was so close to telling Caesar that im not feeling well and he doesn't need to pick me up. But just my luck I was too late, he was already outside my door. I sighed trying to keep my composure.

I walked up to the door and opened it, as I opened it I see Caesar in a suit. My face went red as a tomato, "Are you ready?" He asked kindly. I silently nod, as he gestures for me to follow him to the car. He opened the car door for me as we both went inside.

The whole ride was silent and I was blushing really hard, I'm so lucky that it was nighttime and my face wasn't that visible. We made it to the party, Caesar opens the door for me as I walk out. Now that I think of it he was really silent as well and he didn't say anything flirty the whole ride.

It was kinda suspicious, but I just shrugged it off. I had bigger fish to fry, and that's actually telling him how I feel. As we both went inside I rush to the room my friends said they would wait for me. I open the door gently seeing all my friend's heads shot up.

Smiles grew on their faces, I just sighed and went in. "I told you he won't back down!" One said, "we were thinking..." They said. "To help you feel more comfortable we just want you to enjoy the party," they said, I was confused of course. How would I enjoy the party help me confess to Caesar?

"Yeah Y/N! If you don't chillax how are you going to tell him how you feel!" One chimed in. "But- how is that going to-?" I was cut off, "Shhh you'll see ok! Trust us we have experienced!" My friend said. I sighed, nodding. "Just enjoy the party ok? We even ordered your favourite food" they said.

I sigh "Thanks guys I wouldn't know what I would do without you," I said to them as I smiled softly. "Of course Y/N you're our friend and we will try and help you in any way we can" They answered.

Time skip

I was enjoying the night eating my favourite food and drinks, trying out new dishes I never wanted before. The night was fun until a song I was very familiar with played on. And I can't deny that I have maybe had a few drinks, but that won't be a problem, right?

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