21 : Saturday

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Step Twenty One: Every now and then, send a quick text to let him know that you saw something that made you think of him! This can ensure that you're on his mind, just like he's on yours!

I'm spending the whole day with him, I think. No need for this.

I'm pretty sure this is the first step that I'm ignoring, though...


Amanda's house is one of the less modest ones in Misty Bay. I arrive with Blake, Russell, and Jason, each of us holding a gift for Zoe. Despite Jason and I pondering what to get her for a while, we both gave up. I have a gift card in my hand; hopefully, she gets something she'll like.

Anyway, Blake hops up the porch steps, taking a big brass ring in his hand and knocking it against a giant door. Amanda's parents chose a really grand residence. This looks like it has three or four floors. I peek in through a window and see chandeliers and all sorts of fancy glass things. I let out a low whistle. "Let's not accidentally wreck this place," I murmur. Blake only cackles a little. Sometimes he scares me.

A twenty-something-year-old girl lets us into the house. She has light blonde hair, like Amanda, but her eyes are a bright hazel in comparison to her dark brown. "Is this the birthday thing Amanda told me about? You guys are FROGs? You look human to me."

"Never underestimate the morphing powers of a frog," Blake says ominously. "Are you a human?"


"Do you have a human name?" he asks. Blake's eyes bore into her, and I pull on his shoulder.

"What he means to ask," I interrupt, "is, 'Who are you?'"

"Amber, Amanda's sister. I'm your adult supervision tonight," she tells us. "Since I'm back from college for the weekend, I'm in charge of babysitting you guys." She heaves a sigh. "I can't wait."

Russell snorts. "We can handle ourselves."

She sticks her tongue out at him and retreats into the house, whipping her phone out. The rest of us stand in place, unsure where to go. This house is a maze. There's a big flight of stairs in front of us, but it spirals somewhere out of view. All around us are little rooms, like offices or pathways or something.

The four of us exchange looks, until Jason calls out Amanda's name. There's a rustling noise, then the sound of something falling, and Amanda steps out of a random room. "Hi. Come with me," she instructs, leading us up the stairs. I hesitate at the back.

"With my jacket on?"

Amanda waves her arms around. "Do whatever you want. My parents aren't home to see the mess, so you can dump it on the floor."

"Nice." I take my jacket off and dump it on the floor, then follow the rest of the guys to a huge room.

If I didn't see the couch upon walking in, I would probably guess that this is a ballroom. Oops, forgot to bring my big fancy dress. Tragic. It's the living room, though, and there's a flatscreen on one wall. I raise my eyebrows. Welcome to the mansions of Misty Bay, I guess. Zoe is splayed out on one couch, a videogame controller in her hand. "Ahoy there," she greets, gesturing at the couch. "Have a seat; Amanda is gonna be our servant today."

"Yep..." Amanda mutters. "The game is set up already. Zoe's a beast at this, by the way—beware. She knows what she's doing."

We settle down on the couch. I'm not a huge video game person, but I have my tricks. Amanda is right, though; Zoe is very good. She kills all of us at least twice in the hour we play. At some point, Amber clears her throat. "You have to feed them, Amanda."

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